FREE Rank High on Google / Mobile Marketing and Convert leads into Paying Customers Workshop-May 17th 2011- Mobile Marketing is Coming to Toronto! Are you ready?
Get Huge Traffic to your Website and convert those leads into buyers!
Book your space for the Free...
Rank High on Google and lead conversion Workshop
Learn how to drastically increase sales even in these uncertain times...
Internet Marketing: Facebook, Mobile Marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing
* How to rank high on Google
* What is Mobile Marketing?
* How does it work?
* How can it double or triple my sales?
* How to get onto Page # 1 of Google in 3 weeks or less
* All about Google Maps/Places
* All about Facebook Business pages
* How to effortlessly build a list of target market prospects at low cost
* How to convert internet prospects into clients
Advertising: Traffic Generation vs. Brand Awareness
* How to save thousands in unnecessary costs
* How to write Mesmerizing Marketing Copy that gets your target market to take action
* How to easily track the effectiveness of all of your advertising and marketing initiatives
Sales Presentations
* Why it's so important to script everything including your sales Process
* How to keep your audience focused on your presentation
* The Most Effective Close in the World: The Assessment Close
Mobile advertising
* Why you absolutely need a Mobile landing page for your website
* How to get hundreds of ongoing customers with SMS advertising
* From Coupon to Groupon , the dangers of discount coupon marketing
* How to determine if your business is franchise-able
* How to franchise your business at a fraction of the cost of “traditional” franchising
* How to start selling franchises immediately
Double Your Database - Triple Your Sales
* Never cold call again
* Drive Traffic To Your Website And Get Their Business!
* Generate a steady supply of qualified leads
* Develop a “Sales Team” that works 24/7
* Write ads that actually get people to buy
* Develop marketing systems
* Close more effectively
* Franchise Your Business at a Low Cost!
Here are just some of the types of businesses that our Money-Back Guaranteed System has helped:
* We have worked with the #1 Advisor, #2 Trainer and Rookie of the Year of Investors Group in Calgary, Manitoba and Toronto
* Alberta Personal Trainer went from $5K to $30K/Month in the first month and sold 7 franchises
* BC Vending company went from losing $4K/Month in ads to franchising with a multi-million dollar ad budget
* Australian Business Consultancy sold over $3 Million in franchises and franchise territories
* Alberta Recruiting Company went from 0 sales to $155K in first month of working with us - now has 10 employees
* Alberta Web Designer starts making $20K/month using Peter’s marketing and sales systems and plans to franchise
* Alberta Roofing Company increases revenues dramatically with our professional marketing system
* Alberta Entertainer that was about to get a “real” job, triples price and starts making $30K/Month in their first month with us
* Ontario Health & Wellness product distributor generates $30K/Month in additional “PROFITS” using our system
* Alberta Piano Instructor on track to make over $1,000,000.00 in 2010!
Is your business failing, do you wish you knew exactly what to do to fix it?
Is your Marketing consistent?
Do you have a great website that drives leads to you all the time?
Do you wish you did?
97% of Businesses FAIL due to wrong or inconsistent
Demand RESULTS From Your Marketing
The Executive Edge presents
The Free Marketing, Advertising, Business Building and Franchising Workshop!
As the Business Owner here are a few key questions you might ask about your marketing.
What is your unique Marketing Message?
Who knows this?
Where do you place this message that is effective?
What do you do that might detract from this message?
What resources lie untapped or underutilized that might help this message?
Is everything you say consistent with your unique marketing message?
What will you do to magnify and multiply your message?
As the Owner it is not your job to know all the answers, it is your job to ask the right questions. Then listen.
Do you want to gain a stronger marketing advantage?
Do you want to transform your company into a driving force in your industry?
Beware of Business and or Marketing Coaches that spout “myths”, and who seem to miss the point of marketing. Your Marketing MUST help you sell period, and help you get your “Unique Marketing Message” OUT and gain a higher market share.
The KEY to opening up doors for your company is your “Unique Marketing Message”, then learning Where, When, WHY, and HOW to place that message into effective Mediums
At The Executive Edge, we have franchised one of the most successful marketing and franchising companies in Canada, Allan Fine has kept his client's websites in the top 3 spots on Google consistently.
Allan recently added his exceptional Search Engine Optimization and marketing and sales skills to their outstanding list of marketing systems and initiatives that he details in this no-nonsense presentation. Come listen while we explain exactly how to go...
From Failure To Franchise in Less Than 12 Months!
and learn how to market your business using effective no-cost and low-cost marketing initiatives.
Write an Effective Advertising Message That Actually Drives Customer Traffic To You...
and Never cold call again while you...
Learn how to get and stay at the top of search engines with:
• Write advertising that that not only gets you there...but sells for you!
• What marketing mediums you need to use
• How to turn Pay Per Click into Profit Per Click
• The Single Most Important Sales Technique That Most People Leave Out
• And Much More...
• Double your database
• Generate a steady supply of qualified leads
• Develop sales systems
• Close more effectively
• Franchise Your Business
Here are just some of the other businesses that use TLC's marketing and franchise systems...
• Real Estate Agent - 180 calls to List from one postcard campaign
• Financial Planner - Increases average commission from under $5,000 to minimum of $15,000
• Business Consultancy went from $65,000.00 sales to over $5.5 Million in sales within first 2 years of working with TLC
• Recruiting Company went from 0 sales to over $155K in their first month of working with TLC
• Web Designer starts making $20K/month using TLC's marketing and sales systems
Join SEO, Marketing and Franchising Expert Allan Fine as he teaches you how to...
Yes, Book my Free ‘Lunch and Learn Marketing Workshop’
When: Tuesday, May 19th , 2011
Where: Mezza Notte Restaurant North York:
5304 Yonge Street.
Phone: 416-222-2888
Please arrive at: 11:45 am
Workshop starts: 12 Noon(ends at 2:30pm)
Limited Availability only 10 Seats Left
CALL NOW (403) 246-7386 #1
Or Register online:
PLEASE Register quickly as we were overbooked by 50% at our last workshop.
Please leave a message as we register numerous events across Canada simultaneously.