Sunday, September 25, 2011

All the New Changes top Facebook Explained-And how it effects You!!

All the New Changes top Facebook Explained-And how it effects You!!

Prior to the announcements at the F8 Conference, I was feeling a great sense of resistance about the Facebook changes. As Mark Zuckerberg presented the new features, a sense of excitement and enthusiasm began to overcome the initial discomfort.   Zuckerberg’s energy sparked my curiosity and I quickly found a way to update my profile to the new timeline.

Honk If you think the new FB sucks Traffic Sign

The public reaction was not quite as enthusiastic.  At the end of the day, there was a flurry of images like “Honk if you think the new FB Sucks” and a variety of complaints streaming into the Newsfeed. (The amusing thing is these complaints were coming in from Facebook users who did not yet have access to the new features!)

Here is a quick summary demystifying the Facebook changes that are rolling out over the next few weeks with a quick video at the end.

The Newsfeed Change: The News Feed is going to feature Top Stories and the most newsworthy, relevant updates. The best way to make sure that you have updates that interest you is to Subscribe to your favorite peoples’ updates.

The Ticker: The small changes and more “lightweight moments” are going to be relegated to the Ticker in the top right hand corner of the screen. The Ticker feed will be the moment to moment updates from your network. You can see your friends updating in real-time and choose whether or not you want to engage with them.

Facebook Cover Image ScreenshotFacebook Timeline: The profile is changing to what is now called the “Timeline” and is an aggregation of all of your posts since the day you signed up for your Facebook account. Your Timeline is “The Story of your Life on a Single Page” and can be edited as you see fit. Entries can be Highlighted with a Star or Deleted according to your preferences. Visitors to your Profile/Timeline can scroll through all of the important events of your life.

This new design takes a page out of Tumblr’s playbook. It enables each user to create what is essentially a personal blog or an ongoing digital scrapbook of life moments, interests and events. This is going to be a great memory-keeper for today’s youth and there was even discussion of being able to create an Annual Report of each year.

The Cover Image: At the Top of your Profile is the Cover Image that serves as a photographic header. It’s basically the Big Picture that best represents your personality at the top of the screen. Tip: Wide Horizontal images work the best.

New Facebook Timeline Status UpdateStatus Updates: Your updates now drop chronologically onto the Timeline and you can Filter your updates to denote Work & Education, Family & Relationships, Living, Health & Wellness and Milestones & Special Events. Essentially, your updates become your stories that you are sharing with the people you have connected with.

Graphic Mapping: In addition to status updates, there is a Graphic Mapping feature that documents the moments geographically. Click on a place and add pictures or comments about your experiences.

2011 Facebook Social Apps

Social Apps: What has the most groundbreaking potential is the endless possibilities for App Developers to create new ways for us to interact socially. Mark Zuckerberg used the term “Frictionless” as he described the seamless way that our apps would automatically update our Timeline. For example, what you read in the Wall Street Journal social news app will automatically populate the news section of your Timeline. There are already Media apps in the pipeline: Netflix for renting & watching movies, Spotify for sharing songs & playlists, Hulu for sharing TV Shows, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post for News. Lifestyle apps include Nike+GPS for runners, biking, hiking, hobbies and various recipe/food review sharing apps.

And if these features are not enough… These were only some of the changes announced, so it will be interesting to see how the Facebook community responds to the fresh new look. Stay tuned for more updates as Facebook continues to evolve & roll out the changes.

If you just can’t wait to update your Facebook profile, here is a quick 3 min YouTube video that will guide you through the process of “How to Enable & Activate Your Facebook Timeline Today.”


Allan Fine
Marketing and Franchising consultant,

Marketing Systems

 Phone: 403-246-7386
403-217-8432 Fax
Mountain Standard Time|
The Executive Edge
Internet Marketing / Website Development
SEO + SMM and Consulting services.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to Maximize Linkedin !

Maximizing your LinkedIn Visibility

Are you wondering how to get the most from LinkedIn? Over the last few months, the LinkedIn network has made upgrades and undergone changes.

If you already have a profile created on LinkedIn, it’s a great time to revisit and refresh your presence!

Or if you’re just wondering how to get started, these 5 simple steps will help you make the most of your time and effort!

Why LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the largest professional social network online today, with over 100 million professional users. The average household income of LinkedIn users is over $88,000 per year, which outpaces the average income for the readership of the Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Business Week! 

If you are a professional or a business owner, you can’t afford to miss out on the opportunity to build relationships with potential customers, clients, partners and peers on LinkedIn. It’s a powerful audience that you can engage, interact with and influence.

#1: Complete your LinkedIn “profile box.”

When visitors first land on your LinkedIn profile, a box displaying your profile highlights fills the screen. Given the importance of first impressions, the information in your “profile box” should be complete, current and optimized.

This is your best chance to make a good impression. In many cases, someone may read through your entire profile, but most people are going to get the information they need from your profile box.

Here are the steps to complete your LinkedIn Profile.

Upload a professional image. This is your very best opportunity to make a great first impression and is essential to attracting connections. No professional photo? No credibility.

Create a compelling headline. You only have 120 characters at the top of your profile to describe who you are, whom you serve and how you help. Use brief, descriptive, compelling keywords so the right professionals on LinkedIn can discover you. Focus on terms that your target markets are more likely to search for. What language do they use? Make your headline text compelling, but use words that resonate with your market.

List your current position and at least two past positions. If you don’t list at least two past positions, your profile won’t be considered “complete,” which can mean missed opportunities to be discovered by prospective clients and customers. Make sure to describe each of your roles in depth, and again use those keywords that will resonate with your target markets! It is also okay to list two or three positions that describe your current role, as I have done in my own profile.

Add your education information. List colleges and the high school you attended in this area. Why? One of the primary search tools within LinkedIn is the ability to locate people with whom you attended school. This is a potential connection point that can open doors for you.

Customize your “website” listings. Under the Websites section of your LinkedIn profile, you can have up to three listed. Choose the “Other” option when setting up each of these links and describe the links to your brand with relevant terms. For example, rather than using the phrase “my website,” I use “Smart Social Pro Blog.” Not only is this more descriptive, it also gives me a better opportunity to rank for those keywords in search.

Include a link to your Twitter profile. Add your Twitter handle to your LinkedIn profile. Visitors to your profile can now follow you on Twitter directly from within your profile box! LinkedIn and Twitter are tightly integrated. You can share your tweets as LinkedIn status updates (best practice: add #in to the end of specific tweets rather than choosing to send all tweets to LinkedIn), and you can share LinkedIn status updates as tweets!

Edit your “vanity” LinkedIn URL. An example is This will enable your LinkedIn profile link to show up in search results under your name on all the major search engines! It is important to claim those results for your name as they provide a gateway into your personal brand.

Following these seven tips will ensure that you put your best foot forward with a comprehensive snapshot of who you are, what you do and where people can learn more about you. Your LinkedIn profile should serve as one of your most valuable professional digital assets.

#2: Use keywords within your profile summary section

The summary section on your LinkedIn profile is where you have the most flexibility to expand upon who you are, whom you serve and how you help your clients. Although this section is not as visible as your “profile box,” it’s still important.

Write the text in your summary section in the first person, as if you were talking directly to potential clients. Begin with “My name is…” Why? Because your name is a keyword, and this provides a simple introduction to your story. Your summary section should include keywords that describe how you help your clients in language that resonates with them! Try to stay away from industry jargon if possible. Also, don’t stuff your summary section with keywords. Simply use effective keywords and phrases where they fit.

Hint: The “specialties” section of the summary is a great place to list your areas of expertise using descriptive keywords.

#3: Leverage your existing natural network

Your existing contacts—your “natural” network—can provide a rich online networking experience and can help you quickly ramp up your visibility. This foundation network is key to creating a powerful presence on LinkedIn!

To uncover all of your connection opportunities, go to “Add Connections” in your navigation menu, which is listed under “Contacts.”

Thoroughly review LinkedIn’s connection channels.

There are four natural connection channels provided by LinkedIn. Make sure to go through all four connection channels to make sure you find all potential connections who can be a part of your network.

Regardless of how many connections you may already have on LinkedIn, it’s worth your while to go through this exercise monthly because membership growth continues to be very strong on LinkedIn!

see who you know

  1. Send a LinkedIn invitation to connect to existing contacts though the “Add Connections” feature.
  2. Review colleagues from your current and past work experience and send invitations to connect.
  3. Find classmates from high school and college to connect with.
  4. Review the “People You May Know” list. This is LinkedIn’s connection suggestion engine!

#4: Focus on timely and relevant status updates

LinkedIn is a professional business network; therefore, it’s busy during business hours! You should strive to be visible and valuable during that time. Your status updates should add value to your target markets.

A best practice is to update your status two to three times daily. Also, spread out your updates rather than posting them all at once.

A fantastic tool for adding value in your industry is to take advantage of LinkedIn Today. This is LinkedIn’s top news tool available right there inside the network. You can customize your news updates by industry and easily share relevant stories with your connections. Top news is surfaced by the people, not by an editorial staff! Learn how to use LinkedIn Today to find popular content.

linkedin today

See articles shared by your connections, save articles and follow industries.

#5: Join and participate in groups

LinkedIn Groups recently got a major upgrade with the new LinkedIn mobile application. You can now participate in group discussions on the go. This is a great way to remain visible and valuable in your target markets.

Strive to review and participate in group discussions at least once per week. You can join up to 50 groups, but your time will be best spent focusing on three to five at most. Otherwise it will be difficult to keep up with all of the conversations.


By visiting the “Groups” tab on your LinkedIn navigation menu, you can easily find groups to join, access existing groups that you belong to, review and follow existing discussions that you are a part of, and view “groups you may like” suggestions from LinkedIn. In addition, you can use the LinkedIn search function to find groups.

Join groups that are relevant to your business and target markets. For example, if you have a local business, look for groups that are organized around where you live or work! Consider joining alumni groups, peer groups and groups that are organized around professional and personal topics that you are most interested in.

Lastly, think about groups where your target markets might be hanging out so you can find ways to be creatively visible and valuable to them with the resources and insights you share.

Share relevant, resourceful, rich content with your groups that can help other members. Ask questions and respond to comments! Learn more about effectively participating in LinkedIn Groups.


Go to

Very cool new stuff Linked in JUST launched!!!

Final Thoughts

There are so many features and tools available with LinkedIn. It is essentially a networking treasure chest for any businessperson, filled with opportunities to deepen existing relationships, meet new professionals and add value to members of your target markets. To take advantage of all of these opportunities, it is important to spend time learning as much as you can.

I hope that these five steps will help you maximize value and minimize time as you ramp up your LinkedIn presence. Give me a shout if you need any help with your marketing.

Allan Fine
Marketing and Franchising consultant,

Marketing Systems

 Phone: 403-246-7386
403-217-8432 Fax
Mountain Standard Time|
The Executive Edge
Internet Marketing / Website Development
SEO + SMM and Consulting services.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Executive Edge Marketing,SEO,website and advertising expert in Calgary, Alberta,Canada.

edgefx.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Tired and frustrated trying to do it all yourself?
Looking to dramatically increase sales, put systems into your business and get your marketing on fire? You need a partner in your business who's a Web designer, SEO,Marketing or Franchising Expert? Turbo-Charge Your Business.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Can you do me a big favor?

Can you do me a big favor?
I loaded up a brand new video I created for my company
as part of a new video creation service.


Let me know what you think please.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Highly Converting Facebook ads do and don’ts!

Check out my all NEW!! Highly Converting Facebook ads do and don’ts!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I would like to invite you and buy you Lunch:

I would like to invite you and buy you Lunch:
Is your marketing plan ready for the new Season?
If not I would like to help you! For Free!

Free workshop, Free great lunch at the Carriage House Inn.

I'm giving away all my secrets of getting and Ranking high on Google, Building a massive LinkedIn list, Social Media Marketing
and Mobile Marketing.
Sept is here, is your marketing program for the new season ready?
FREE Lunch- Rank High on Google/ MOBILE Marketing and then Convert leads into Paying Customers Workshop Calgary-
Sept 20th 2011.
as well
Have you ever thought about a professionally designed Facebook business
page for your company. In Facebook now I have discovered how to put in a full website, with drop down menus,
a full membership site and Paypal buttons.
Take a look at what I'm doing on my site
and my save $100 off offer.

I would like to invite you and buy you Lunch:

I would like to invite you and buy you Lunch:
Is your marketing plan ready for the new Season?
If not I would like to help you! For Free!


Free workshop, Free great lunch at the Carriage House Inn.

I'm giving away all my secrets of getting and Ranking high on Google, Building a massive LinkedIn list, Social Media Marketing
and Mobile Marketing.
Sept is here, is your marketing program for the new season ready?
FREE Lunch- Rank High on Google/ MOBILE Marketing and then Convert leads into Paying Customers Workshop Calgary-
Sept 20th 2011.
as well
Have you ever thought about a professionally designed Facebook business
page for your company. In Facebook now I have discovered how to put in a full website, with drop down menus,
a full membership site and Paypal buttons.
Take a look at what I'm doing on my site
and my save $100 off offer.

Social Media Marketing-Don't Die Trying!!

The Broadening Reach of Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is more than just setting up a Facebook fan page and monitoring brand
sentiment. as the social media gold rush continues to unfold, marketers are becoming increasingly
sophisticated in their use of social networking sites, syndicated videos and blogs to engage
customers and prospects.

• Social networking sites. Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, and other sites are attractive because ads
can be demographically targeted based on gender, age, and interests as reflected by the
socializer’s list of fan pages. Marketers also seek to engage customers with corporate fan pages
and branded applications, and strike up a dialogue with consumers via Twitter.

• Syndicated videos. Videos are increasingly accepted as a means of reaching a larger, targeted
audience with interactive and engaging content. Videos may be hosted on YouTube or other providers
and syndicated across networks, or be featured on a company-owned web property.

• Blogs. By consistently delivering high quality content, successful blogs enjoy a large and
segmented readership and offer marketers a good opportunity to demonstrate thought leadership,
promote their brands and products and, most importantly, to engage in meaningful dialog with
clients and prospects.

• User review sites. From computing to automo- biles, from leading retailers to niche communities,
the social landscape is full of sites at which users swap opinions and recommendations. Marketers
are taking advantage with display ads and expert
commentary and technical guidance.

• Does social media marketing pay off in conversions and revenue?
• Which campaigns and channels perform best and which perform worst?
• is social media cannibalizing other online marketing initiatives?
•  how can we measure rOi of a social media display ad, if the user doesn’t click it?
• Which segments of our blog followers are most likely to buy our products?

The Complex Relationships Between Social Media
Marketing and Your Main Website

Often, marketers view social media as yet another online channel (albeit new and exciting), similar
to other channels such as natural and paid search, email, and affiliates. it is becoming clearer,
however, that not all social media initiatives drive prospects and customers to the business’ main
website in the same way. Social- izers—individuals who seek meaningful interactions with peers and
like-minded people—interact differ- ently with different social media offerings and services. To
better understand this phenomenon, let’s look at Twitter and Facebook from the perspective of
visitor acquisition (and reacquisition).

When it comes to pulling individuals to the website, Twitter behaves similarly to search
Twitter users proactively select the topics, people, and companies they wish to follow. When they
receive updates that are relevant and interesting to them, and
if those updates contain links, those users are likely
to interrupt their engagement with Twitter, click on the link, and visit the destination website.

Calgary Social Media Marketing Company.
Your company and you have heard about Social media Marketing , Facebook, Twitter , You Tube. It all sounds very exciting , but very confusing too!
We have the answers and can quickly educate you on what you need (and more importantly) what you don't need to do.

Contact us to get a handle on your Social media Marketing program.

Allan Fine
Marketing and Franchising consultant,

Marketing Systems

 Phone: 403-246-7386
403-217-8432 Fax
Mountain Standard Time|
The Executive Edge
Internet Marketing / Website Development
SEO + SMM and Consulting services.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to rank higher on Google and some Great SEO info (This is important stuff if your looking too make money.)

Last month, Google announced new and extended sitelinks. The maximum number of sitelinks increased from eight to 12:

If Google decides to display sitelinks for your website, your site will get a much more prominent display than before.

How to make your sitelinks more attractive

Google uses the first 30-35 characters of the meta description tag of a web page for the snippets.

To increase the number of clicks on the snippets, you should optimize your meta description tags:

  • The first 35 characters in the meta description tag should contain a clear description of the page and/or a call-to-action.
  • Each page of your website should have its own meta description.

Note that Google updates the sitelinks of a website periodically. It may take some time before the new descriptions of your web pages appear in the sitelinks.

How to get sitelinks

In general, Google shows sitelinks if it is sure that a website is the exact match for a search query (usually product name or company name searches). Google generates the sitelinks for your website based on your website navigation and based on the links that point to your website.

If Google does not show sitelinks for your website then you should work on your website navigation:

  • Avoid JavaScript and Flash navigation and try to use regular <a href> links as often as possible.
  • If you use images for your website navigation, make sure that the images contain alternative texts that allow Google to categorize your links.

Do not use too many navigation links and make it easy for web surfers and search engines to find out which pages of your website are the most important pages. The better a web page is linked, the more likely it is that it will appear in the sitelinks on Google.

Sitelinks are a nice addition for brand name searches but they usually don't appear for searches that consist of two to four words. These words are the most important keywords for website promotion and search engine optimization.

Allan Fine
Marketing and Franchising consultant,

Marketing Systems

 Phone: 403-246-7386
403-217-8432 Fax
Mountain Standard Time|
The Executive Edge

Internet Marketing / Website Development
SEO + SMM and Consulting services.