Monday, June 11, 2012

Directories are a great resource of Backlinks, Here is a great resource of directories!

As a Calgary marketing company, I'm always looking to provide great value for my clients and great information to you. Here's another great post on directories. I have compiled a phenomenal list Of Internet directories for you.


Importance of Local Directories

Local business directories are a big factor in your company’s internet presence and online reputation. Local directories comprise of everything from Yelp!, Angie’s List and Judy’s Book to City Square, MojoPages and 100s of other location-based directories. Today, I want to talk about three reasons that you should submit your business to local business directories.  

Branding and Backlinks

Any company that has been around for any amount of time would tell you how important branding is for growth. Branding online is equally as important as traditional; local business directories means as it gives- your business one more place to advertise. Now you’re thinking “OK, that’s great, but outside of directories like Yellow Book and Angie’s List, if people don’t visit these sites how will they see my listing?” That’s where the search engines come in… Search engines want to give the searcher the most valuable information as quickly as possible, so not only will they display websites of the companies that the search engine believes relate to what you are looking for, they will also provide local listings, news, images, videos, and related directories among its results for the search term. This gives you more fishing lines in the water to hook a new customer and it is another opportunity to get your company name in front of the searcher.

New Visitors and Incoming Web Traffic

While many traditional web directories don’t provide much impact on new visitors to your website, local directories such as Angies List, SuperPages, and Yellow Book do still provide valuable referrals for your business. These business listing sites are also more often trusted than other places on the web or directories. Business listings such as these are often considered to be more trustworthy because they allow existing customers to post reviews and testimonials or they have business certifications, or other standards, that must be met before they will post the business as part of their network. In doing so, new visitors acquire more insight on whether or not they can trust a company based on other clients’ testimonies of the company and that can either persuade potential clients towards higher credited companies… or detour the searcher from businesses with unfavorable reviews.

Search Engine Authority

Lastly and most importantly, local and international directories give you citations to build authority with the search engines like Google. The manner in which Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) are displayed, the area for Google Places displays predominantly at the top. While there are other ways to optimize your Google Places listing, one of the biggest factors is through citations. Citations are mentions of your name, address, and phone numbers on other sites. There are many places where you can get citations, however local business directories are the easiest way to build multiple citations quickly.

Have a great day and a great week.
Allan Fine
Calgary marketing company

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Top 100 Wordpress Plugins (and Why I love them)!

WordPress is a great CMS system, and while I'm not particularly fond of it for website design (  I have my reasons) I do love of blogging though.


As a Calgary marketing company I am always trying to help all my clients and YOU.

I feel that there is so much abundance in Calgary. There is no need to hide information, or not properly share it.

Here is a list of 100 great WordPress plug-ins, if you want the full reports and all the information. Please feel free to contact me. I would love to help you out.

Introduction 1

Allin One SEO 2

Akismet 3

Google XML Sitemap 4

Google Analytics 5

Simple Facebook Connect 6

Contact Form 7

Gravity Forms 8

BackupBuddy 9

Comment Luv 10

Traffic Getting SEQ Plugin by Jeff Johnson 11

CBnet Ping Optimizer 12

Flowplayer 13

WordPress backup 14

Digg Digg 15

Easy WP SEQ 16

Exclude Pages 17

Audio Player 18

AWeber Web Form Plugin 19

DigitaiAccess Pass (DAP) 20

Fast Secure Contact Form 21

Raw HTML 22

Amazon S3 for WordPress 23

Google Analyticator 24

Bulletproof 25

Commentluv Premium 26

HeadSpace2 SEQ 27

AddThis 28

Live Slogging 29

ClickBump SEQ 30

Digi Auto Links 31

wp-Member 32

Disqus Comment System 33

Duplicate Post 34

Easy Video Player 35

MaxBiog Press Affiliate Ninja 36

W3 Total Cache 37

lnfusionWP 38

Jetpack 39

JWplayer 40

Add To Any 41

List Rank Dashboard Widget 42

Conditional Captcha 43

Antispam Bee 44

Auto Blog Buddy 45

Auto Link Juicer 46

Auto Blogged 47

Automatic WordPress Backup 48

WP Autoresponder and Newsletter Plugin 49

Backlinks Rotator 50

Backup creator 51

WP Super Cache 52

cforms II 53

Chennai Central 54

Clean-contact form 55

Facebook  comments for WordPress 56

Date Exclusion SEO 57

Display  Buddy 58

Easy AdSense 59

Editorial  Calendar 60

Efficient  Related  Posts 61

EZPZ One Click  Backup 62

Feedburner 63

Flash video player 64

Follow Widget 65

Free Traffic Getting  SEO 66

Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps 67

XML Google  Maps 68

Hana Flash Player 69

Exploit scanner 70

Like 71

Thank Me Later 72

WP Email Capture 73

Clicky 74

Simple Social 75

SEO Smart Links 76

Sociable 77

Viper's 78

Video Quicktags 79

AdSense Manager  80

Ad Injection 81

Wptouch 82

Redirection 83

pageMash 84

Simple Social- Sharing Widgets and Icons 85

Social Media Widget 86

WP Security 87

Scan WP 88 Newsletter 89

TinyMCE Advanced 90

LinkWithin 91

WordPress Importer 92

SEO Friendly Images 93

Secure WordPress 94

MaxBiogPress 95

Ninja Affiliate 96

FeedWordPress 97

WP Optimize 98

WP-DBManager 99

Really Simple CAPTCHA  100

WP-Polls 101

So there you have it, once again if you want the full list and all the information please contact me I be happy to help you , have a great day.

Allan Fine

The Executive Edge
