Some of us are perfectionists when it comes to our physical appearance, yet we think nothing of our health and the shape of our body. The New Year is here and it is time to make our traditional New Year resolutions. If one of your resolutions is to lose weight - and keep it off, then we should be more concerned with what we eat and get the shape we desire fast. We are more concerned with how we look to others, than how we look at our health and well-being. What is the answer? Spend more time in front of the mirror and decide now how to get the shape you desire fast. Here are some simple tips to help you lose weight and live healthily throughout the New Year.
Drink enough water and lose weight
To lose weight in the New Year should not be a difficult resolution to keep. Drinking enough water every day will help you lose weight and get the shape you desire fast. If you do not have the simple habit of drinking enough water every day, your body will be storing water instead of flushing out toxins. Your body water retention will lead to excess weight. You should learn to drink 2-3 liters of water every day to give you a feeling of fullness and help suppress your appetite.
Learn to eat more slowly
If learn to eat more slowly you will eat about 60 fewer calories per meal every day. Instead of rushing to eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, reduce the speed for each meal and you will be able to save 180 daily calories - that amounts to 6,300 at the end of five weeks. The 6,300 calories you save will amount to losing about 2 pounds of your present weight.
To lose weight in the New Year, Do not skip your breakfast ( and don't eat cereal)
If you used to think that skipping your breakfast will help you lose weight, you may be in for a shocker! Studies show that breakfast rich in protein and fat will help you to lose weight and have more energy. When you skip your breakfast, your body's metabolic rate slows down and your blood sugar drops. As a result, you become hungry and have less energy. As well cereal can be the #1 cause of weight gain in females. Just read the label and see cereals are almost all carb's and a huge amount of carb's at that. All these carb's in your body at one time just equals one thing - FAT FAT FAT.
Eat about 5 healthy small meals every day and protein each meal.
To lose weight in the New Year and keep your New Year resolution, ensure you keep to the simple rule of eating 5 healthy small meals every day. Eating small healthy meals frequently every day keeps you from getting hungry and overeating at your next meal. As well most women don't eat enough protein through the whole day. What happens is you body cannibalizes its own lean muscle mass over time. Less muscle equals more fat and more flab. I recommend about 80-120 grams of protein every day.
Adopt a balanced approach to your diet
To get the shape that you desire fast in the New Year, ensure your diet consist of a balance of organic sources of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Instead of eating white rice and pasta, eat brown rice, bulgur, millet, or buckwheat. Let this form part of your New Year resolution to lose weight in a healthy manner.
Eat more vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, and asparagus. Eliminate candy, sugar, soda, and all simple sugars from your diet. Eating excess sugar will result in fats being stored in your body, leading to weight gain. Also, reduce the consumption of keep dairy products which are high in saturated fat. Avoid fatty foods, processed or fried foods.
Engage in physical activities
Change your lifestyle during the New Year and engage in more physical activities that are fun to do. The main cause of weight gain is inactivity. Physical activity is the key to speeding up your metabolism and burning excess calories. You can lose 2 pounds per week by just engaging in enough physical activities. One way to be physically active is to walk the dog or walk to the nearby grocery shop. Walk as often and as long as you can. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Step outside during your break at work and take a walk to eat your lunch instead of a ride. You can commit to take a walk 30 minutes in the morning or 30 minutes in the early evening.
Start going to a fitness program of some kind, joining a gym or enroll in a boot camp program.
Remember, 1 pound equals about 3,500 calories. So, to lose one pound you will need to burn 3,500 calories more than what you take in every week. To lose 2 pounds per week means you will be burning 7,000 calories more than what you consume each week. To do this you do not have to deprive your body of calories by not eating.
If you deprive your body of food in the New Year, you will be sabotaging your efforts to lose weight and keep your New Year resolution. The following things will happen:
You will burn muscle and not fat. You do not want to lose muscle, you need it.
You will not have enough energy to do your workout and other physical activities.
Since you will be losing muscle you will burn fewer calories when you are not active.
To successfully lose weight takes time, and you need to take the time to do it or you will become frustrated. Be patient.
So what is your New Year Resolution? To lose weight and get the shape you desire fast and keep to your plans to achieve your desired weight goal.
As you are reading this now, you may be wondering the best way to achieve your weight loss goal in the New Year. Do not worry. You can use the simple tools recommended here to help you lose weight without stress and the frustrations most people go through to lose weight. I want to also remind you of the serious damage that quick weight loss can impose upon your health and unsuspecting hair follicles.
While juice fasts and other popular fast weight loss diets may help shrink you into the shape you desire overnight,you will lose mostly water and muscle , NOT FAT!.
To your sound health and beauty throughout the New Year!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Here Are 4 Quick Fit Tips For The Holiday Season:
Hi There, I hope you had a phenomenal Thanksgiving with your loved ones. Guilt is a powerful emotion, one that I am sure you are probably feeling right about now from all those holiday treats this past week. Here’s the deal everyone, what’s done is done... there’s no point in beating yourself up about it. Rather, let’s focus on what we can control... the present and the future! Here Are 4 Quick Fit Tips For The Holiday Season: The holidays can be very busy . Nevertheless, do not let yourself get caught in the trap of not working out to make more time for holiday events. It would be a big mistake to risk losing the lean muscle mass and strength that you have worked so hard to build and maintain. Why you ask? Losses in lean muscle mass will lower your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for the vast majority (about 60-75%) of your total daily calorie burning. This means that everyday you will be burning less and less calories which will put you at a much greater risk of putting on ugly, unwanted body fat during the holidays. Plus, losing strength will mean that the next time you start to work out your performance will be sub par and you’ll get smacked in the face with that ugly word that no one ever wants to encounter when it comes to their training: regression! Furthermore, there are many clever ways to maintain or increase the number of calories you burn per day, both from exercise and from your normal daily activities, to stay fat-free this holiday season. Use the strategies below to maintain and/or increase your current amount of lean muscle mass and maximize your daily calorie burn to best protect yourself against the deadly holiday bloat! 1.) Perform at least one intense strength training session per week Studies show that only a single strength training workout per week during times when you cannot train as frequently as you normally do is an effective way to maintain your current levels of strength and lean muscle mass. So, to best maintain your strength and lean muscle mass, shoot for at least one good strength training workout per week to stay buff during the holidays and to prevent unwanted regressions in fitness. To best prevent weight gain, aim for three total body strength workouts per week. To maximize fat burning, perform three total body strength workouts per week and also perform three cardio interval workouts per week on non strength-training days. 2.) Hit Your Totals Your body is a moron. In other words, it cannot differentiate between 100 push-ups performed in a row versus 100 total push-ups performed in a day. When you honestly cannot find a five to 20-minute time slot to complete an effective total body workout, look for hidden chunks of time during the day to get in a certain number of daily repetitions for a certain number of exercises that work your entire body. Got a free moment from now until you need to take the turkey out of the oven? Then, bang out 10 push-ups, 10 rows, and 20 squats. Using this method throughout the day will lead to big numbers by the end of the day that will burn the same amount of calories in addition to creating similar muscle building effects as if you did all of the exercises at once during a single workout. It is important to note that this “Hit Your Totals” routine is merely a back-up option to the ideal 20-minute interval training workouts which are scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat than ordinary exercise (see my article How to Build 5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workouts for the Holidays for more info). Short rest periods between exercises create the optimal hormonal environment for rapid fat loss and lean muscle gain, where as the long rest periods (full recovery) between movements do not. However, it comes down to effective (“Hit Your Totals”) versus optimal (50-10 Total Body Circuit Interval Training Workouts), so be sure to at least be effective this holiday season! Make sure to pick multi-joint, compound movements that hit as much of your body’s major muscle groups in the shortest amount of time possible (e.g. squats, deadlifts, lunges, push-ups, rows, etc.). Use the plan below as guide to build your own “Hit Your Totals” workout. Adjust the repetition ranges accordingly based on your current strength levels. The only thing you need is your body weight and adjustable dumbbells and/or resistance bands. Perform this plan up to three times per week, resting a day between workouts. Make sure to alternate between Plan A and Plan B for more variety. You can either hit your total by doing one exercise first (e.g. perform push-ups rest-pausing as needed until you get 100 total), or by simply employ circuit style training (e.g. 20 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 rows, repeat 10x throughout the day to hit your totals). The Hit Your Total Workout For The Holidays Plan A Body weight Squats or Hip Extensions: 100-200 total Push-ups: 50-100 total DB/Band Rows: 50-100 total Plan B Body weight Lunges or Single-Leg Hip Extensions: 50-100/total per leg Off Chair/Couch Dips: 50-100 total DB/Band Curls: 50-100 total (feel free to swap pull-ups or pull-downs here if you have access to the equipment) 3.) Rage Against The Machines Machines have made us an incredibly out of shape and overweight society. This holiday season make it a point to not use them! Now I don’t mean to say that you cannot drive to the mall during the holidays. However, when you get to the mall, try to park further away so you can do more walking to get inside. Avoid using elevators and escalators and opt for the stairs; all those steps truly do add up. Instead of having your naughty kids carry the bags, burn more calories by carrying the bags yourself (sorry, that was the former naughty kid in me raging, ha ha). Stay on your feet as much as possible and resist the temptation to let a robot or machine do the work for you. 4.) Engage in more outdoor holiday activities I have been in some pretty incredible snowball fights in my day. Though I was always having a blast while pelting my friends behind cleverly built igloos, I was never aware of how exhausting a good snowball fight can truly be until I came indoors afterwards. My snowsuit was soaked with sweat and I had spent the last 30 minutes or so in total fight or flight mode. Talk about an awesome way to burn calories without even thinking about it! Get outdoors this holidays season and throw around the pigskin or have your very own “Ice Bowl.” Once again, all these calories here and there truly do add up and could make a difference between you fitting in your pants or ripping your pants by the time the clock strikes midnight this New Year! These simple strategies are ones that I have used both personally and with my beloved clients to stay the course during this busy and stressful time of year. Look everyone, please trust me and follow this advice because I don’t want you to waste a New Year’s resolution on losing fat in January that you could have prevented from putting on in the first place this December ;) When Results Are What You Want Have a truly great day , everything is possible! Allan Fine / Fitness/ Lifecoach FitnessBootcampsCanada Phone: 403-246-7386 Cell:403-389-3386 1-866-308-0606 Mountain Standard Time| ******************************************
Monday, December 1, 2008
Even if you fall completely off the wagon, don't beat yourself up. All you
have to do is get right back on your program without missing another beat.
Too many people mess up once and then think their entire diet is ruined.
They feel as if everything they've done prior to that day was wasted and
there's no sense going on.
Or even worse, they rationalize to themselves, "Well, I already cheated,
so it doesn't matter now, I might as well keep pigging out."
That's nonsense. If you threw in the towel every time you didn't score
100% on your diet, most people would never get through more than a
few days on any structured program.
Just because you mess up once doesn't mean you should quit! You're
only human. Don't let one small slip keep you derailed.
When you've strayed from the plan, enjoy it, don't let guilt and
discouragement get you down. Firmly plant your wheels back on the
tracks and start rolling again. Deal?
Here's my suggested plan for any upcoming holiday social gatherings:
a.) be a little more active and have a little bit smaller portions the day
prior and all the way up to your special meal.
b.) make simple, healthier changes to the foods you love, so that you can
enjoy the meal, but in modified, healthier versions.
c.) eat until comfortably full and satisfied, not stuffed.
d.) get right back on track the very next morning.
If you plan these 4 steps a head of time and have the right mindset going
into it, you can really enjoy your special meal without sabotaging your
Do it anyway
You can always find a good excuse not to take action. But what would you
rather have -- good excuses or the real, satisfying fruits of achievement?
There is always some person or some circumstance you can blame when you
fail to live up to your possibilities. But what good will that do you?
The next time you find yourself looking for a good excuse, stop and ask
yourself why. Keeping up appearances is easy. All it gets you, though, is a
good superficial appearance. Wouldn't you rather go for real substance?
There are many very good, very understandable reasons why you cannot be the
best you can be. Pay them no heed. Make the commitment to succeed in spite
of the excuses, rather than to fail because of them. It's your choice.
There are plenty of things to stop you. Go ahead and do it anyway. Instead
of amassing a large collection of excuses, build yourself a life that's rich
in meaning and accomplishment.
Turkey Stew
Makes: 6 servings
- 1 pound boneless, skinless turkey breasts
- 1 can tomato sauce
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 1/2 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 2 potatoes, diced
- 2 carrots, sliced
- 1 onion, chopped
- 8 whole mushrooms, sliced
- 1 celery stalk, sliced
a. Rinse and cut all visible fat off of turkey. Cut turkey into bite-size
b. Coat a skillet with nonstick cooking spray (nonfat), and preheat over
medium heat. Add meat, and cook each side for 2-3 minutes.
c. Stir tomato sauce, water, pepper, herbs, bouillon granules, and
Worcestershire sauce into turkey, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat
to low, cover, and simmer for 45-60 minutes.
d. Add the potatoes, carrots, onion, mushrooms, and celery to the meat.
Cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
Nutritional Information:
Serving size: 1 1/2 cup
Calories: 265
Fat: 2 g
Cholesterol: 30 mg
Protein: 25 g
Carbs: 37 g
Fiber: 5 g
Sodium: 455 mg
Even if you fall completely off the wagon, don't beat yourself up. All you
have to do is get right back on your program without missing another beat.
Too many people mess up once and then think their entire diet is ruined.
They feel as if everything they've done prior to that day was wasted and
there's no sense going on.
Or even worse, they rationalize to themselves, "Well, I already cheated,
so it doesn't matter now, I might as well keep pigging out."
That's nonsense. If you threw in the towel every time you didn't score
100% on your diet, most people would never get through more than a
few days on any structured program.
Just because you mess up once doesn't mean you should quit! You're
only human. Don't let one small slip keep you derailed.
When you've strayed from the plan, enjoy it, don't let guilt and
discouragement get you down. Firmly plant your wheels back on the
tracks and start rolling again. Deal?
Here's my suggested plan for any upcoming holiday social gatherings:
a.) be a little more active and have a little bit smaller portions the day
prior and all the way up to your special meal.
b.) make simple, healthier changes to the foods you love, so that you can
enjoy the meal, but in modified, healthier versions.
c.) eat until comfortably full and satisfied, not stuffed.
d.) get right back on track the very next morning.
If you plan these 4 steps a head of time and have the right mindset going
into it, you can really enjoy your special meal without sabotaging your
Do it anyway
You can always find a good excuse not to take action. But what would you
rather have -- good excuses or the real, satisfying fruits of achievement?
There is always some person or some circumstance you can blame when you
fail to live up to your possibilities. But what good will that do you?
The next time you find yourself looking for a good excuse, stop and ask
yourself why. Keeping up appearances is easy. All it gets you, though, is a
good superficial appearance. Wouldn't you rather go for real substance?
There are many very good, very understandable reasons why you cannot be the
best you can be. Pay them no heed. Make the commitment to succeed in spite
of the excuses, rather than to fail because of them. It's your choice.
There are plenty of things to stop you. Go ahead and do it anyway. Instead
of amassing a large collection of excuses, build yourself a life that's rich
in meaning and accomplishment.
Turkey Stew
Makes: 6 servings
- 1 pound boneless, skinless turkey breasts
- 1 can tomato sauce
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 1/2 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 2 potatoes, diced
- 2 carrots, sliced
- 1 onion, chopped
- 8 whole mushrooms, sliced
- 1 celery stalk, sliced
a. Rinse and cut all visible fat off of turkey. Cut turkey into bite-size
b. Coat a skillet with nonstick cooking spray (nonfat), and preheat over
medium heat. Add meat, and cook each side for 2-3 minutes.
c. Stir tomato sauce, water, pepper, herbs, bouillon granules, and
Worcestershire sauce into turkey, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat
to low, cover, and simmer for 45-60 minutes.
d. Add the potatoes, carrots, onion, mushrooms, and celery to the meat.
Cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
Nutritional Information:
Serving size: 1 1/2 cup
Calories: 265
Fat: 2 g
Cholesterol: 30 mg
Protein: 25 g
Carbs: 37 g
Fiber: 5 g
Sodium: 455 mg
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Don't fall for the Acai Berry Myth
Don't fall for the Acai Berry Myth
You can't really miss it on the Internet these days. Seems like everywhere you look there's another company promoting the nutritious Acai Berry as a weight loss miracle.
And that's why I thought it was critical to write you today. I want to make sure you know my opinion on the subject.
First, you know better than to believe you're going to pop some pills - ANY pills - and have the pounds and inches melt off like magic. If you've been listening to me for any length of time you know true fat loss comes from a variety of factors, including exercise and proper nutrition.
Second, any fitness expert worth their fees will tell you that any diet that promotes you eat any one food all day long and then eat a sensible dinner, well, don't bother. Yes, you will lose some weight short-term, but as soon as you go back to your old eating habits - and you know you will - you know exactly what happens.
Third, the Acai Berry contains VERY powerful antioxidants and it is getting a lot of good press for that very reason. Yes, antioxidants as in the extraordinary nutrients that help fight the free radicals associated with aging, cancer risk and other degenerative diseases.
And while on the subject, I wanted to fill you in on something that has recently come to light. Did you know that coffee berries (the berry that covers the coffee bean) is one of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet? It's something researchers have discovered in recent years.
What's really cool is my friends at Prograde Nutrition have just created an amazing Whole Foods based Anti-Aging formula called Prograde Longevity that includes both Acai Berry and Coffee Berry. Oh, and it also utilizes Green Tea, Pomegranate, Wolf Berry and Biovin Grape (Red Wine extract.)
Just to give you an idea of how powerful this formula is, well, you'd have to eat an entire POUND of raspberries to get the same ORAC value. And in case you're not familiar with the term, ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.
The best part is their having a Thanksgiving Week sale to celebrate the launch of Prograde Longevity. From now until Friday you can get 11% off Longevity or any of their other exclusive products they offer.
You can check out Prograde Longevity for yourself here:
Just be sure to enter this coupon code in when you checkout: (yes, it's all lower case)
Oh, and just so you know, you can't find Prograde products in stores anywhere. They're so exclusive they only let fitness experts work with their company to help them get the word out.
Yours in health,
Have a truly great day , everything is possible!
Allan Fine / Fitness/ Lifecoach
Phone: 403-246-7386
Mountain Standard Time|
PS - Remember, Prograde's 11% off Thanksgiving Week Sale ends this Friday at Midnight EST, so be sure to get over to before then to stock up now.
You can't really miss it on the Internet these days. Seems like everywhere you look there's another company promoting the nutritious Acai Berry as a weight loss miracle.
And that's why I thought it was critical to write you today. I want to make sure you know my opinion on the subject.
First, you know better than to believe you're going to pop some pills - ANY pills - and have the pounds and inches melt off like magic. If you've been listening to me for any length of time you know true fat loss comes from a variety of factors, including exercise and proper nutrition.
Second, any fitness expert worth their fees will tell you that any diet that promotes you eat any one food all day long and then eat a sensible dinner, well, don't bother. Yes, you will lose some weight short-term, but as soon as you go back to your old eating habits - and you know you will - you know exactly what happens.
Third, the Acai Berry contains VERY powerful antioxidants and it is getting a lot of good press for that very reason. Yes, antioxidants as in the extraordinary nutrients that help fight the free radicals associated with aging, cancer risk and other degenerative diseases.
And while on the subject, I wanted to fill you in on something that has recently come to light. Did you know that coffee berries (the berry that covers the coffee bean) is one of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet? It's something researchers have discovered in recent years.
What's really cool is my friends at Prograde Nutrition have just created an amazing Whole Foods based Anti-Aging formula called Prograde Longevity that includes both Acai Berry and Coffee Berry. Oh, and it also utilizes Green Tea, Pomegranate, Wolf Berry and Biovin Grape (Red Wine extract.)
Just to give you an idea of how powerful this formula is, well, you'd have to eat an entire POUND of raspberries to get the same ORAC value. And in case you're not familiar with the term, ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.
The best part is their having a Thanksgiving Week sale to celebrate the launch of Prograde Longevity. From now until Friday you can get 11% off Longevity or any of their other exclusive products they offer.
You can check out Prograde Longevity for yourself here:
Just be sure to enter this coupon code in when you checkout: (yes, it's all lower case)
Oh, and just so you know, you can't find Prograde products in stores anywhere. They're so exclusive they only let fitness experts work with their company to help them get the word out.
Yours in health,
Have a truly great day , everything is possible!
Allan Fine / Fitness/ Lifecoach
Phone: 403-246-7386
Mountain Standard Time|
PS - Remember, Prograde's 11% off Thanksgiving Week Sale ends this Friday at Midnight EST, so be sure to get over to before then to stock up now.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
An Early Holiday Feast!
An Early Holiday Feast!
As you probably already know, there's only one nutrition company I believe has your best interests at heart. And when I heard they were having a rather unusual sale for the Holidays I had to tell you about it.
You see, PROGRADE has two big reasons to be thankful this week.
1- They have completely revamped their website. It really is cool and it makes ordering SO much simpler.
2- They have just released their brand new Anti-oxidant formula - Prograde Longevity.
Oh, and the interesting part is it's an 11% off everything sale. Here are some other details I want to make sure you know about:
- Again, you receive 11% off all Prograde products.
- It will run from Monday, November 24th until Friday, November 28th at 11:59pm EST.
- Yes, that 11% will be applicable to SmartShip orders. But it only applies to that first purchase. Not ongoing.
- The coupon code your clients will need at checkout is:
(Yes, it all needs to be in lower case.)
- In case you missed it, the website is PROGRADE
Oh, and you should definitely check out the INSERT YOUR FAVORITE PROGRADE PRODUCT HERE - that's my favorite Prograde product. I've been using it with pretty amazing results.
Yours in health,
Fitness Boot Camps Canada
PS- Remember, this Thanksgiving celebration ends this Friday, so be sure to order right away and take advantage of these BIG savings.
As you probably already know, there's only one nutrition company I believe has your best interests at heart. And when I heard they were having a rather unusual sale for the Holidays I had to tell you about it.
You see, PROGRADE has two big reasons to be thankful this week.
1- They have completely revamped their website. It really is cool and it makes ordering SO much simpler.
2- They have just released their brand new Anti-oxidant formula - Prograde Longevity.
Oh, and the interesting part is it's an 11% off everything sale. Here are some other details I want to make sure you know about:
- Again, you receive 11% off all Prograde products.
- It will run from Monday, November 24th until Friday, November 28th at 11:59pm EST.
- Yes, that 11% will be applicable to SmartShip orders. But it only applies to that first purchase. Not ongoing.
- The coupon code your clients will need at checkout is:
(Yes, it all needs to be in lower case.)
- In case you missed it, the website is PROGRADE
Oh, and you should definitely check out the INSERT YOUR FAVORITE PROGRADE PRODUCT HERE - that's my favorite Prograde product. I've been using it with pretty amazing results.
Yours in health,
Fitness Boot Camps Canada
PS- Remember, this Thanksgiving celebration ends this Friday, so be sure to order right away and take advantage of these BIG savings.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What’s Calgary Doing To Fight Childhood Obesity?
News Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 20, 2008 Media Contact: Tara Deda
(403) 980-5847
What’s Calgary Doing To Fight Childhood Obesity
Statistics Show Obesity Numbers are “Growing”
CALGARY, AB (November 12, 2008) – The Public Health Agency of Canada recommend teens increase physical activity by 30 to 90 minutes per day. Too much time is spent in front of the television instead of participating in physical activity. A major concern regarding childhood obesity is that obese children tend to become obese adults, facing an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and many other chronic diseases (Canadian Medical Association Journal)
Research studies show that over half of Canadian children and youth, age 5 –17, are not active enough for optimal growth and development (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute, 2000 Physical Activity Monitor). From 1981 to 1996, the prevalence of overweight children and youth doubled, and obesity tripled for both boys and girls (Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2000). It is estimated that in 2001 the economic cost associated with obesity was 4.3 billion (1.6 billion in direct costs and $2.7 billion in indirect costs), which represented 2.2% of the total health-care costs in Canada for that year (Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 2004).
Blaine Meller has learnt how to reverse health issues from personal experience. “I was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes and high blood pressure” says Meller, “physical activity and the fight for my own health has inspired me to reach out to teens and stop disease at the start by creating The Teen Power Hour”.
Blaine Meller and his wife Marsha Burnett are using their struggle with obesity to help teens in Calgary’s N.E. “It is important to educate our youth about the importance of physical activity” Says Marsha Burnett, “the more our children are exposed to healthy living the less chance they have of developing life threatening disease”.
For more information about this story please contact Tara Deda at (403) 980-5847 or
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 20, 2008 Media Contact: Tara Deda
(403) 980-5847
What’s Calgary Doing To Fight Childhood Obesity
Statistics Show Obesity Numbers are “Growing”
CALGARY, AB (November 12, 2008) – The Public Health Agency of Canada recommend teens increase physical activity by 30 to 90 minutes per day. Too much time is spent in front of the television instead of participating in physical activity. A major concern regarding childhood obesity is that obese children tend to become obese adults, facing an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and many other chronic diseases (Canadian Medical Association Journal)
Research studies show that over half of Canadian children and youth, age 5 –17, are not active enough for optimal growth and development (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute, 2000 Physical Activity Monitor). From 1981 to 1996, the prevalence of overweight children and youth doubled, and obesity tripled for both boys and girls (Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2000). It is estimated that in 2001 the economic cost associated with obesity was 4.3 billion (1.6 billion in direct costs and $2.7 billion in indirect costs), which represented 2.2% of the total health-care costs in Canada for that year (Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 2004).
Blaine Meller has learnt how to reverse health issues from personal experience. “I was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes and high blood pressure” says Meller, “physical activity and the fight for my own health has inspired me to reach out to teens and stop disease at the start by creating The Teen Power Hour”.
Blaine Meller and his wife Marsha Burnett are using their struggle with obesity to help teens in Calgary’s N.E. “It is important to educate our youth about the importance of physical activity” Says Marsha Burnett, “the more our children are exposed to healthy living the less chance they have of developing life threatening disease”.
For more information about this story please contact Tara Deda at (403) 980-5847 or
Monday, November 10, 2008
We had a great time at Boot Camp.
So many great clients come to us on a regular basis to change their lives
that's hundreds changing their lives every day.
See their results on our Testimonial page.
Have a truly great day , everything is possible!
Allan Fine / Fitness/ Lifecoach
Phone: 403-246-7386
Mountain Standard Time|
that's hundreds changing their lives every day.
See their results on our Testimonial page.
Have a truly great day , everything is possible!
Allan Fine / Fitness/ Lifecoach
Phone: 403-246-7386
Mountain Standard Time|
Saturday, November 8, 2008
We Have 1,440 Minutes Each Day So Why Not Schedule 45 Of Them For Fitness?
Fitness Boot Camps Canada encourages Fitness in Marda Loop
CALGARY, AB (Nov 7, 2008) – You can do a lot in 1440 minutes so why not spend 45 of them doing something good for your health? Most adults need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week. The key is to find the right exercise for you. If it is fun, you are more likely to stay motivated. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
“I want to provide my clients with a better quality of life” says Todd Leyte, Fitness Boot Camps Canada’s Marda Loop trainer, “It’s important to make fitness fun and impactful especially with the time constraints that individuals with busy lifestyles face.”
Only 52% of Albertan’s are physically active while 42% of working Canadians report they have a lack of time due to work. (Statistics Canada Survey, 2005) Each Fitness Boot Camps Canada program involves 45 minutes of high impact exercise with 15 minutes of stretching and cool down to ensure that injuries don’t occur.
“Bringing a fitness program to the busy individual is key.” says Leyte, “that is why I choose Marda Loop as the destination to run my boot camp; it’s bustling with businesses and family life.”
About Todd Leyte:
Todd graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a degree in Kinesiology. Exercising since the age of 14, Todd is now a certified personal trainer by Can Fit Pro and is passionate about teaching and instructing individuals, and seeing his clients achieve their fitness goals.
For more information or to participate in a Fitness Boot Camps Canada program please contact Tara at (403) 980-5847 or
CALGARY, AB (Nov 7, 2008) – You can do a lot in 1440 minutes so why not spend 45 of them doing something good for your health? Most adults need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week. The key is to find the right exercise for you. If it is fun, you are more likely to stay motivated. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
“I want to provide my clients with a better quality of life” says Todd Leyte, Fitness Boot Camps Canada’s Marda Loop trainer, “It’s important to make fitness fun and impactful especially with the time constraints that individuals with busy lifestyles face.”
Only 52% of Albertan’s are physically active while 42% of working Canadians report they have a lack of time due to work. (Statistics Canada Survey, 2005) Each Fitness Boot Camps Canada program involves 45 minutes of high impact exercise with 15 minutes of stretching and cool down to ensure that injuries don’t occur.
“Bringing a fitness program to the busy individual is key.” says Leyte, “that is why I choose Marda Loop as the destination to run my boot camp; it’s bustling with businesses and family life.”
About Todd Leyte:
Todd graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a degree in Kinesiology. Exercising since the age of 14, Todd is now a certified personal trainer by Can Fit Pro and is passionate about teaching and instructing individuals, and seeing his clients achieve their fitness goals.
For more information or to participate in a Fitness Boot Camps Canada program please contact Tara at (403) 980-5847 or
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What criteria can you use to decide which boot camp program is best for you.
What criteria can you use to decide which boot camp program is best for you.
There are many fitness Boot Camp programs in Canada.
What criteria can you use to decide which program is best for you.
1. Do they have a pre and post evaluation where they measure your body fat, inches and do before and after pictures. Many do not unfortunately, how can you assess if you have lost fat or muscle during your program. If your goal is to lose fat, lose weight and inches then if they don't measure those things how will you know?
2. Do they play music during your camp. Try this, sit there in silence for 1 minute only. Now imagine working out. Now imagine working out for 1-1/2 hours with dead silence except for the sound of others sweating and groaning.
Now imagine working out to great motivating high energy music. Which would you rather do?
3. Are they for beginners or only for advanced clients. I see many camps using sand bags or military style training using heavy wooden polls or dragging tires. This is VERY dangerous to the beginner. You will see injuries and you can hurt yourself very badly in these camps unless your already very fit. If your goal is to get in shape and lose weight and inches and you hurt yourself the very first week then how is that serving you.
4. Using body weight only. I have seen many camps using only clients body weight. This does NOT work for weight loss and only produces mild toning.
Your body has a inherent knowledge of whether or not your using extra resistance or your body weight only. If body weight training was truly effective why have so many people who are very over weight who do pushups and sit ups and walk all the time not lose tons of weight.
If 2 people ran a mile and one was 160 lbs and had a 60 lb knapsack and the other was 220 lbs who would work harder and burn more calories.
The person who was 160 lbs and had a 60 lb knapsack.
5. What kind of nutrition program do they offer. Some farm it out and it costs you another $100. Most have none or very poor nutritional advice. Check it out before.
6. What kind of ongoing coaching or support do they offer. Most have none. If your program isn't working for you because you are eating poorly still they have no support systems in place for that. Some do though. Check them out!!
There are many fitness Boot Camp programs in Canada.
What criteria can you use to decide which program is best for you.
1. Do they have a pre and post evaluation where they measure your body fat, inches and do before and after pictures. Many do not unfortunately, how can you assess if you have lost fat or muscle during your program. If your goal is to lose fat, lose weight and inches then if they don't measure those things how will you know?
2. Do they play music during your camp. Try this, sit there in silence for 1 minute only. Now imagine working out. Now imagine working out for 1-1/2 hours with dead silence except for the sound of others sweating and groaning.
Now imagine working out to great motivating high energy music. Which would you rather do?
3. Are they for beginners or only for advanced clients. I see many camps using sand bags or military style training using heavy wooden polls or dragging tires. This is VERY dangerous to the beginner. You will see injuries and you can hurt yourself very badly in these camps unless your already very fit. If your goal is to get in shape and lose weight and inches and you hurt yourself the very first week then how is that serving you.
4. Using body weight only. I have seen many camps using only clients body weight. This does NOT work for weight loss and only produces mild toning.
Your body has a inherent knowledge of whether or not your using extra resistance or your body weight only. If body weight training was truly effective why have so many people who are very over weight who do pushups and sit ups and walk all the time not lose tons of weight.
If 2 people ran a mile and one was 160 lbs and had a 60 lb knapsack and the other was 220 lbs who would work harder and burn more calories.
The person who was 160 lbs and had a 60 lb knapsack.
5. What kind of nutrition program do they offer. Some farm it out and it costs you another $100. Most have none or very poor nutritional advice. Check it out before.
6. What kind of ongoing coaching or support do they offer. Most have none. If your program isn't working for you because you are eating poorly still they have no support systems in place for that. Some do though. Check them out!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Fitness Boot Camps Canada NW/SW Calgary Website URL: Join our next session in Calgary The Hottest Boot Camp Program. Don't be fooled by all the imitators... |
Fitness boot camps provide the perfect combination of personal training, team building, and hard work that results in people reaching their fitness potential! Something great happens when a group of people with similar fitness goals rally around each other at the crack of dawn to conquer the day’s workout. It’s about setting personal goals and pushing your limits. It’s about taking on some competition, but remembering that it’s ultimately you vs. you. It’s about feeling like you would run through a wall if the trainers asked you to. It’s about the air of confidence you feel as you make your way to your desk at the office knowing that, while most of your co-workers are still shaking off sleep, you’ve already done more running, pushing, jumping, pulling, and crawling than they’ll do all week! It’s about doing something for you!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Calgary Couple Fights Preventable Disease
News Release
October 6th, 2008
Media Contact: Allan Fine
(403) 246-7386
Calgary Couple Fights Preventable Disease
Weight Loss Winners are awarded Cash and a Second Chance at Life!
CALGARY, AB (October 6th, 2008 ) - Calgary couple, Marsha Burnett and Blaine Meller joined a Calgary fitness program three months ago and much to their surprise, a miracle happened. After years of battling diabetes, obesity and watching their health deteriorate; Marsha and Blaine went into action. They joined a 12 week fitness program called The Biggest Winner Boot Camp Challenge as the kick start they needed to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Blaine had been diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol while it was a matter of time before Marsha would be diagnosed with Diabetes herself. "My family has several risk factors with regards to their weight," says Marsha "I have never developed any health problems yet but it was a matter of time if my lifestyle didn't change."
Over the past twelve weeks Marsha and Blaine, alongside 29 other couples, have been battling head to head to win the title of The Biggest Winner and regain their health. By joining this challenge, they have been able to overcome current health problems and get on the right path towards living a healthy life. "Because of my weight and lifestyle issues, I have battled Type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, all of which I can now control and reverse thanks to the lifestyle I am now leading" says Blaine.
Blaine has lost a total 45.8 lbs in 12 weeks while Marsha has lost 36 lbs in 12 weeks. They have been named the official winners of the first ever Biggest Winner Boot Camp Challenge.
For more information about this success story please visit to view before and after pictures or contact Allan at (403) 246-7386 or
October 6th, 2008
Media Contact: Allan Fine
(403) 246-7386
Calgary Couple Fights Preventable Disease
Weight Loss Winners are awarded Cash and a Second Chance at Life!
CALGARY, AB (October 6th, 2008 ) - Calgary couple, Marsha Burnett and Blaine Meller joined a Calgary fitness program three months ago and much to their surprise, a miracle happened. After years of battling diabetes, obesity and watching their health deteriorate; Marsha and Blaine went into action. They joined a 12 week fitness program called The Biggest Winner Boot Camp Challenge as the kick start they needed to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Blaine had been diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol while it was a matter of time before Marsha would be diagnosed with Diabetes herself. "My family has several risk factors with regards to their weight," says Marsha "I have never developed any health problems yet but it was a matter of time if my lifestyle didn't change."
Over the past twelve weeks Marsha and Blaine, alongside 29 other couples, have been battling head to head to win the title of The Biggest Winner and regain their health. By joining this challenge, they have been able to overcome current health problems and get on the right path towards living a healthy life. "Because of my weight and lifestyle issues, I have battled Type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, all of which I can now control and reverse thanks to the lifestyle I am now leading" says Blaine.
Blaine has lost a total 45.8 lbs in 12 weeks while Marsha has lost 36 lbs in 12 weeks. They have been named the official winners of the first ever Biggest Winner Boot Camp Challenge.
For more information about this success story please visit to view before and after pictures or contact Allan at (403) 246-7386 or
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Alberta Boot Camps Re-brands to Expand Nation Wide Fitness Boot Camps Canada is on a mission to conquer Canada!
Release Date: Mon, Sep 29, 2008 Status: Pending Category: Lifestyle | Diet / Weight Loss
Alberta Boot Camps Re-brands to Expand Nation Wide Fitness Boot Camps Canada is on a mission to conquer Canada!
After 19 years as a Fitness Expert, Allan H. Fine is ready to take fitness Canada Wide. "My goal is to help save 100,000 lives by 2010!
P.O. Box 5141 Station A|Calgary, AB T2H 1X3|t: (403) 547-6806|f: (403) 287-8868
News Release
MEDIA CONTACT: Allan H. Fine September 30, 2008
Email: support ( @ ) fitnessbootcampscanada dot com
Alberta Boot Camps Re-brands to Expand Nation Wide
Fitness Boot Camps Canada is on a mission to conquer Canada!
September 30, 2008 (Calgary, AB) - Alberta Boot Camp announced today that they have finalized their re-branding strategy to accommodate their massive expansion plans across Canada. The new company name is officially Fitness Boot Camps Canada.
"This is the perfect time to expand our new brand, and grab hold of some extra market share" commented Allan H. Fine, Owner/Program Director of Fitness Boot Camps Canada. "Our mission statement says it all. We are here to help our clients achieve their full potential in their lives by giving them the tools they need, through
fitness, nutrition and life coaching, right across Canada."
Expansion across Canada will begin in the fall of 2008, with British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontarrion as the company’s main targets. Coupled with the above announcement, Fitness Boot Camps Canada also launched their new website . The new website encompasses new features such as a registration feature for each province, an informative blog, and Boot Camp TV.
About Fitness Boot Camps Canada:
Back in 2004 Allan H. Fine saw the need for a better fitness program on the market. One that was affordable, effective, fun and inspirational. What developed out of his passion was the creation of THE premiere boot camp program in Alberta, consistently
featured in magazines, radio and television within Calgary.
For more information, please visit
Alberta Boot Camps Re-brands to Expand Nation Wide Fitness Boot Camps Canada is on a mission to conquer Canada!
After 19 years as a Fitness Expert, Allan H. Fine is ready to take fitness Canada Wide. "My goal is to help save 100,000 lives by 2010!
P.O. Box 5141 Station A|Calgary, AB T2H 1X3|t: (403) 547-6806|f: (403) 287-8868
News Release
MEDIA CONTACT: Allan H. Fine September 30, 2008
Email: support ( @ ) fitnessbootcampscanada dot com
Alberta Boot Camps Re-brands to Expand Nation Wide
Fitness Boot Camps Canada is on a mission to conquer Canada!
September 30, 2008 (Calgary, AB) - Alberta Boot Camp announced today that they have finalized their re-branding strategy to accommodate their massive expansion plans across Canada. The new company name is officially Fitness Boot Camps Canada.
"This is the perfect time to expand our new brand, and grab hold of some extra market share" commented Allan H. Fine, Owner/Program Director of Fitness Boot Camps Canada. "Our mission statement says it all. We are here to help our clients achieve their full potential in their lives by giving them the tools they need, through
fitness, nutrition and life coaching, right across Canada."
Expansion across Canada will begin in the fall of 2008, with British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontarrion as the company’s main targets. Coupled with the above announcement, Fitness Boot Camps Canada also launched their new website . The new website encompasses new features such as a registration feature for each province, an informative blog, and Boot Camp TV.
About Fitness Boot Camps Canada:
Back in 2004 Allan H. Fine saw the need for a better fitness program on the market. One that was affordable, effective, fun and inspirational. What developed out of his passion was the creation of THE premiere boot camp program in Alberta, consistently
featured in magazines, radio and television within Calgary.
For more information, please visit
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