Wednesday, January 14, 2009

For Women how to burn more calories!

"I'm frustrated! I have been going to the gym for two hours three times per week and I still haven't seen the results I desire. I am ready to give up -- exercise doesn't work for me."

This is a very common complaint. Many people are finally committed to getting fit, yet after six months of trying they don't see the results they had hoped for. Is it possible that some people aren't exercising correctly?

Yes and no. Any exercise is better than no exercise. However, if you have certain fitness goals you would like to attain there are some techniques that will make it easier.
So eat 5 small meals a day and make sure each meal has protein. This is crucial to build up extra muscle in your body or get back the tone you have lost!

More muscle = faster metabolism
The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to increase your metabolism. Most people think that the best way to lose weight is to do as much cardiovascular training as possible. While cardiovascular training will help burn calories, it does not provide a long-term metabolic boost. Increasing the amount of muscle in your body is the most effective way to lose those unwanted pounds for good. Here's why:

• It is estimated that just one pound of muscle will burn an extra 35 to 50 calories per day, at rest! That means that it is burning these extra calories while you are relaxing, at work and even sleeping!

• An extra 10 pounds of muscle will therefore burn approximately 350 to 500 extra calories per day, or over 3,500 per week.

• In order to lose one pound of fat you must burn an extra 3,500 calories.

• This means that if you increase the amount of muscle mass in your body by 10 pounds, you will lose a pound of fat every seven to 10 days, without making any other changes!
Have a truly great day , everything is possible!
Allan Fine / Fitness/ Lifecoach
Phone: 403-246-7386
Mountain Standard Time|

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