Top Reasons Your Business Needs To Be on 'LinkedIn'
If you own a small to medium sized business and your organization doesn't have a profile on LinkedIn, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to get noticed.
Not only does LinkedIn have over 100 million users, but the social network also:
*Gets Over 4 Million Hits Per Day
* Ranks 12th Globally And 10th For the U.S. On Alexa
*Has 1,000 New Professional Groups Created Every Day
*Gets 1 New Member Every Second
*Contains More Than 1 Million Company Profile Pages
*Has Executive Profiles From All Fortune 500 Companies
*And Much More
The bottom line is that LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world and it is only getting bigger. Just by putting your profile on LinkedIn, you have access to millions of professionals, all over the world. Never before have professionals been so accessible in one place.
Think about it. In the past, you used to have to travel all over creation to attend seminars and meet-and-greets with the top VIPs in your industry. Go to dozens of networking events, just to get the same amount of contacts you can in 1 week on Linkedin. Of course people still do this as it is a great way to network and get noticed, but with LinkedIn, you no longer have to do that.
With a LinkedIn profile, you can display your skills and experience, you have access to professionals without having to go through gate-keepers and you can also gain insider
knowledge within your specialty. Where on earth can you get all of that information and access but the biggest professional social network on Earth? Nowhere. That is why we are insane for LinkedIn and you should be, too.
What Can LinkedIn Do For Your Business?
Just in case you are still on the fence about LinkedIn, let's look at a few more points you should consider. It is completely understandable to be hesitant about getting involved with yet
another social network. Facebook marketing can be exhausting, Twitter marketing can give you a headache and now someone is asking you to get on another social network?
If time is tight, it is understandable to resist the LinkedIn revolution.
But hang on. Whether you provide services or sell products, you are always interested in more exposure, leads, customers and sales, right?
Well, what if you were told that there was a shortcut to finding great projects and clients?
Well, what if you were told that there was a shortcut to finding great projects and clients?
What if you were told how easy it is to rise to the top of your field?
And what if you were told that you have the opportunity to meet the ideal candidate for a rock-solid joint venture that makes you tons of money?
Would you be interested then? Especially if you found out the method was free?
You get all this with LinkedIn. This isn't just another social network. It is your key to more exposure, higher rankings and more sales, partnerships and networked professionals. And
you are going to learn how to rise to the top quickly using expert techniques that have been gleaned through years of intense study.
In my next post I'll talk about how to get those FREE leads...
Till then........Keep on Connecting on Linkedin
Allan Fine
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