Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why you should change your lifestyle this New Years.

Some of us are perfectionists when it comes to our physical appearance, yet we think nothing of our health and the shape of our body. The New Year is here and it is time to make our traditional New Year resolutions. If one of your resolutions is to lose weight - and keep it off, then we should be more concerned with what we eat and get the shape we desire fast. We are more concerned with how we look to others, than how we look at our health and well-being. What is the answer? Spend more time in front of the mirror and decide now how to get the shape you desire fast. Here are some simple tips to help you lose weight and live healthily throughout the New Year.

Drink enough water and lose weight

To lose weight in the New Year should not be a difficult resolution to keep. Drinking enough water every day will help you lose weight and get the shape you desire fast. If you do not have the simple habit of drinking enough water every day, your body will be storing water instead of flushing out toxins. Your body water retention will lead to excess weight. You should learn to drink 2-3 liters of water every day to give you a feeling of fullness and help suppress your appetite.

Learn to eat more slowly

If learn to eat more slowly you will eat about 60 fewer calories per meal every day. Instead of rushing to eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, reduce the speed for each meal and you will be able to save 180 daily calories - that amounts to 6,300 at the end of five weeks. The 6,300 calories you save will amount to losing about 2 pounds of your present weight.

To lose weight in the New Year, Do not skip your breakfast ( and don't eat cereal)

If you used to think that skipping your breakfast will help you lose weight, you may be in for a shocker! Studies show that breakfast rich in protein and fat will help you to lose weight and have more energy. When you skip your breakfast, your body's metabolic rate slows down and your blood sugar drops. As a result, you become hungry and have less energy. As well cereal can be the #1 cause of weight gain in females. Just read the label and see cereals are almost all carb's and a huge amount of carb's at that. All these carb's in your body at one time just equals one thing - FAT FAT FAT.

Eat about 5 healthy small meals every day and protein each meal.

To lose weight in the New Year and keep your New Year resolution, ensure you keep to the simple rule of eating 5 healthy small meals every day. Eating small healthy meals frequently every day keeps you from getting hungry and overeating at your next meal. As well most women don't eat enough protein through the whole day. What happens is you body cannibalizes its own lean muscle mass over time. Less muscle equals more fat and more flab. I recommend about 80-120 grams of protein every day.

Adopt a balanced approach to your diet

To get the shape that you desire fast in the New Year, ensure your diet consist of a balance of organic sources of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Instead of eating white rice and pasta, eat brown rice, bulgur, millet, or buckwheat. Let this form part of your New Year resolution to lose weight in a healthy manner.

Eat more vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, and asparagus. Eliminate candy, sugar, soda, and all simple sugars from your diet. Eating excess sugar will result in fats being stored in your body, leading to weight gain. Also, reduce the consumption of keep dairy products which are high in saturated fat. Avoid fatty foods, processed or fried foods.

Engage in physical activities

Change your lifestyle during the New Year and engage in more physical activities that are fun to do. The main cause of weight gain is inactivity. Physical activity is the key to speeding up your metabolism and burning excess calories. You can lose 2 pounds per week by just engaging in enough physical activities. One way to be physically active is to walk the dog or walk to the nearby grocery shop. Walk as often and as long as you can. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Step outside during your break at work and take a walk to eat your lunch instead of a ride. You can commit to take a walk 30 minutes in the morning or 30 minutes in the early evening.

Start going to a fitness program of some kind, joining a gym or enroll in a boot camp program.

Remember, 1 pound equals about 3,500 calories. So, to lose one pound you will need to burn 3,500 calories more than what you take in every week. To lose 2 pounds per week means you will be burning 7,000 calories more than what you consume each week. To do this you do not have to deprive your body of calories by not eating.

If you deprive your body of food in the New Year, you will be sabotaging your efforts to lose weight and keep your New Year resolution. The following things will happen:

You will burn muscle and not fat. You do not want to lose muscle, you need it.

You will not have enough energy to do your workout and other physical activities.

Since you will be losing muscle you will burn fewer calories when you are not active.

To successfully lose weight takes time, and you need to take the time to do it or you will become frustrated. Be patient.

So what is your New Year Resolution? To lose weight and get the shape you desire fast and keep to your plans to achieve your desired weight goal.

As you are reading this now, you may be wondering the best way to achieve your weight loss goal in the New Year. Do not worry. You can use the simple tools recommended here to help you lose weight without stress and the frustrations most people go through to lose weight. I want to also remind you of the serious damage that quick weight loss can impose upon your health and unsuspecting hair follicles.

While juice fasts and other popular fast weight loss diets may help shrink you into the shape you desire overnight,you will lose mostly water and muscle , NOT FAT!.

To your sound health and beauty throughout the New Year!

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