Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Top 10 fitness trends for 2009

Top 10 fitness trends for 2009

This year’s most popular workout looks like it’ll keep kicking booty in 2009 - Boot Camp-style workouts still top the American Council on Exercise’s (ACE) just-released list of next year’s fitness trends. Also at the top - ACE says fitness buffs will try to get more bang for their buck in this tough economy. Here’s the entire list - I look forward to it every year!

ACE’s Top 10 fitness trends for 2009

Boot Camp-Style Workouts: These are still very popular because they give you a total-body workout that’s varied, fun and challenging. You burn a lot of calories (up to 600, says ACE), get a great cardiovascular workout, and strengthen your muscles with high- and low-intensity exercises like pushups, squats and lunges. You don’t usually get as much muscle fitness benefits in other aerobic exercises.

Budget-Friendly Workouts: With today’s struggling economy, more people will cut costs to stay in shape. Of the ACE-certified professionals surveyed, 48 percent said gym memberships will go down in 2009 and 52 percent said fewer people will hire personal trainers. Look for more people to use the resources around them as their gym and equipment.

Specialty Classes: Yoga and Pilates will stay strong, but dance-based classes will be all the rage in 2009! Zumba combines South American rhythms with cardiovascular exercise. And Bollywood, ballroom, Afro-Cuban and other exotic dance styles are getting more popular thanks to shows like Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance.

Getting Back to Basics: Even though many exercises and equipment are becoming more advanced and trendy, trainers will continue to focus on basic movements and techniques with their clients again.

Circuit Training: Studies have shown that interval training that combines strength training and cardio at different intensities is more time-efficient than doing the traditional aerobic and weight training sessions. As circuit training gets more popular, many gyms are even setting up their own circuits for their members.

Kettlebells: The reason for the surge in working out with kettlebells is that it gets back to basic training that requires functional, whole body fitness. The movements work your entire body, especially your core, as you lift and control the kettlebell.

Boomer Fitness: The 50+ audience keeps redefining our expectations about age, vitality and life, and has highlighted the importance of physical activity as we age. Since September 2007, AARP’s fitness initiative for boomers—aimed at providing a wide range of affordable fitness services to its 39 million members—has been going strong.

Technology-Based Fitness: From iPods to Cardio Cinema to exergaming (i.e., Wii Fit, Expresso Bikes) the latest in technology will continue to infuse itself in all aspects of fitness. In 2009, look for more interactive video games that have fitness benefits, as well as new inventions to make exercising a more engaging experience.

Event or Sport-Specific Exercises: Even with all the new and trendy workouts, sports or recreational activities will still be a popular way to stay in shape. Playing a friendly game of basketball or volleyball, training for a marathon, or taking a day-long bike ride are just a few examples.

Mixing It Up: (I’m all for it!) Research shows you’ll get similar if not better results if you mix things up. For example, do low-intensity cardio with intervals on some days, then switch to high-volume, low- intensity weight training with low-volume, high-intensity training on other days.

I’ve left some of my thoughts along the way, but my favorite things on the list are kettlebells, dance aerobics classes, and mixing it up! What do you think of the 2009 trends?

Related: workouts, kettlebells, fitness trends, fitness, exercise, dance, boot camp, american council on exercise

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