Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Marketing Tips-How to format a online Coupon Deal (And Not Lose Your Shirt)

Marketing Tips-How to format a online Coupon Deal (And Not Lose Your Shirt)

Coupon Companies

So one of the greatest lessons I ever learned, is that presentation marketing via live seminars or online webinars are one of the greatest ways to engage your audience and create a steady flow of new prospects.

One of the greatest ways of promoting this I have found is online couponing with sites like Groupon, Kijiji, cook, Livingdeal, Swarm jam, and a couple of more.

I deal with some great reps who are absolutely wonderful people, unfortunately, most of them are very, very busy trying to format deals for the companies and I find the majority them don't really think with the client in mind. Once again, this is not to say they are great people because I deal with many them personally and they are very very nice guys and gals. ( They really are nice people )

So you have to have a strategy.
You can really lose your shirt or your entire business on one of these deals if you're not careful. The days of running a deal and hoping that afterwards you get clients are gone.
You must have a detailed strategy (like I come up with for my clients) in place before the deal runs. Otherwise, let's say that you are a cleaning company and you want to do $250 with a cleaning for $99 dollars and you get 50 bucks you can't pay your staff. $50 for two or three are the cleaning.

If you sell 200 or 300 coupons, you're basically screwed.
So, to protect all of you my clients and hopefully maybe some my future clients. These are the rules that I tell them to make sure that they don't lose their shirts on an online coupon deal:

1. Make sure that whatever you're selling your coupon for, the money that you get covers your wholesale cost. For instance. If you're selling something that normally cause $100 bucks and the coupon is selling it for $50 or $60, and then you get $25 or $30, the $25 or $30 you get must cover your wholesale cost.

2. Now the second rule doesn't apply to every single company.if they call you or they email you. You really want to have an immediate upsell, so here's my $100 deal, and people who have bought my deal I have a great offer for. And here it is for only 30 or 40 or $50. This can really make a difference because you get to keep all the money for yourself. If this can be a soft product like an extra piece of software or a secondary report or a add-on or an OTO, great, you make that extra money, which can make your deal really fly.

3. The big upsell, so having a backend offer at the very end of your Low-Cost webinar will really increase your overall profit, many companies have a another course that is normally $2000 or $3000 that they offer for $800, or something of that nature.
Or the chance to work with you for may be a $200 or $300 price point.

The next thing is don't jump the gun, even if you have a contract signed until you have a confirmed running date.

I did this recently where I signed a deal with an online coupon company and all the sudden they didn't come through with getting my deal in their queue and my next online marketing program I have which is my "
This is a 5 hour training Webinar on Social Media and Internet Marketing from The Executive Edge ($429 Value)
Live-Training - Two-Day what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course ($429 Value) Webinar Jan 31st and Feb 1st 2013.

It's now February 7 and February 8, 2013. Coupon Companeeeeeeee!!!
Here is the website link,  http://www.executiveedge1.com/webinar.html

Watch this video:

I will be teaching:
the strategies that I used to save me time and money.

• Learn how to increase your business' awareness of all aspects of online marketing and social media in 2013
• 5-hour course that takes place or two days
What you will learn:

In the first hour we will have some great goal setting pages for everyone to work through. This will help each participant realize where they are and then they will be able to make goals for the year based on those results.

1. Assess where you are now. Bring out a list of all of the social media and website items. We will identify goals and problem areas to create a plan.

A) Does your website content needs refreshing?

B) Do you have a blog? Does it need content? Does it need consistency?

C) Facebook business page? Do you have one? Does it need fresh content? Consistency?

D) Twitter? Do you have a plan?

E) Does your LinkedIn profile needs updating? How you do that? Do you know how to use this to get more business?

F) Use an aggregator, which one?

G) Have an email system that uses color and pictures, use which one?

H) Capture the data from visitors on website? Which system?

I) Do they have access to your own website? Passwords? By using a questionnaire for this process you get all of them to really assess what they have and then setting goals for next steps will be easier.

J) YouTube Do you have a channel? Have you made videos before? Did you make them or did you pay someone to make them? Do you have current content going up on your website?

2. Don’t get overwhelmed. We are here to make a plan. We can help as you go through the workshop but also put in a strategy for the year. Together we can do this.

3. Look at the bigger picture. Map out a plan for the entire year and think about where you want to be in 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years.

4. Strategize and dream.How can we build this into a year-long plan? Where do you want to take this? Do you have staff that can help? Who else could help?

5. Tactical plan. What are the next steps along the way?

6. Build rewards into the plan. Goal setting works better if you reward yourself.

7. Who are you going to be accountable to? Do you need ongoing help?

I really hope you can make it.
Allan Fine

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