Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Marketing Tips-How to format a online Coupon Deal (And Not Lose Your Shirt)

Marketing Tips-How to format a online Coupon Deal (And Not Lose Your Shirt)

Coupon Companies

So one of the greatest lessons I ever learned, is that presentation marketing via live seminars or online webinars are one of the greatest ways to engage your audience and create a steady flow of new prospects.

One of the greatest ways of promoting this I have found is online couponing with sites like Groupon, Kijiji, cook, Livingdeal, Swarm jam, and a couple of more.

I deal with some great reps who are absolutely wonderful people, unfortunately, most of them are very, very busy trying to format deals for the companies and I find the majority them don't really think with the client in mind. Once again, this is not to say they are great people because I deal with many them personally and they are very very nice guys and gals. ( They really are nice people )

So you have to have a strategy.
You can really lose your shirt or your entire business on one of these deals if you're not careful. The days of running a deal and hoping that afterwards you get clients are gone.
You must have a detailed strategy (like I come up with for my clients) in place before the deal runs. Otherwise, let's say that you are a cleaning company and you want to do $250 with a cleaning for $99 dollars and you get 50 bucks you can't pay your staff. $50 for two or three are the cleaning.

If you sell 200 or 300 coupons, you're basically screwed.
So, to protect all of you my clients and hopefully maybe some my future clients. These are the rules that I tell them to make sure that they don't lose their shirts on an online coupon deal:

1. Make sure that whatever you're selling your coupon for, the money that you get covers your wholesale cost. For instance. If you're selling something that normally cause $100 bucks and the coupon is selling it for $50 or $60, and then you get $25 or $30, the $25 or $30 you get must cover your wholesale cost.

2. Now the second rule doesn't apply to every single company.if they call you or they email you. You really want to have an immediate upsell, so here's my $100 deal, and people who have bought my deal I have a great offer for. And here it is for only 30 or 40 or $50. This can really make a difference because you get to keep all the money for yourself. If this can be a soft product like an extra piece of software or a secondary report or a add-on or an OTO, great, you make that extra money, which can make your deal really fly.

3. The big upsell, so having a backend offer at the very end of your Low-Cost webinar will really increase your overall profit, many companies have a another course that is normally $2000 or $3000 that they offer for $800, or something of that nature.
Or the chance to work with you for may be a $200 or $300 price point.

The next thing is don't jump the gun, even if you have a contract signed until you have a confirmed running date.

I did this recently where I signed a deal with an online coupon company and all the sudden they didn't come through with getting my deal in their queue and my next online marketing program I have which is my "
This is a 5 hour training Webinar on Social Media and Internet Marketing from The Executive Edge ($429 Value)
Live-Training - Two-Day what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course ($429 Value) Webinar Jan 31st and Feb 1st 2013.

It's now February 7 and February 8, 2013. Coupon Companeeeeeeee!!!
Here is the website link,  http://www.executiveedge1.com/webinar.html

Watch this video:

I will be teaching:
the strategies that I used to save me time and money.

• Learn how to increase your business' awareness of all aspects of online marketing and social media in 2013
• 5-hour course that takes place or two days
What you will learn:

In the first hour we will have some great goal setting pages for everyone to work through. This will help each participant realize where they are and then they will be able to make goals for the year based on those results.

1. Assess where you are now. Bring out a list of all of the social media and website items. We will identify goals and problem areas to create a plan.

A) Does your website content needs refreshing?

B) Do you have a blog? Does it need content? Does it need consistency?

C) Facebook business page? Do you have one? Does it need fresh content? Consistency?

D) Twitter? Do you have a plan?

E) Does your LinkedIn profile needs updating? How you do that? Do you know how to use this to get more business?

F) Use an aggregator, which one?

G) Have an email system that uses color and pictures, use which one?

H) Capture the data from visitors on website? Which system?

I) Do they have access to your own website? Passwords? By using a questionnaire for this process you get all of them to really assess what they have and then setting goals for next steps will be easier.

J) YouTube Do you have a channel? Have you made videos before? Did you make them or did you pay someone to make them? Do you have current content going up on your website?

2. Don’t get overwhelmed. We are here to make a plan. We can help as you go through the workshop but also put in a strategy for the year. Together we can do this.

3. Look at the bigger picture. Map out a plan for the entire year and think about where you want to be in 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years.

4. Strategize and dream.How can we build this into a year-long plan? Where do you want to take this? Do you have staff that can help? Who else could help?

5. Tactical plan. What are the next steps along the way?

6. Build rewards into the plan. Goal setting works better if you reward yourself.

7. Who are you going to be accountable to? Do you need ongoing help?

I really hope you can make it.
Allan Fine

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

On LinkedIn you could now add graphics to your company page and upload presentations on a files.

I talk about LinkedIn on my blog posts on a regular basis as I still believe LinkedIn is one of the number one social media interfaces that businesses should be on because all business.



The people LinkedIn have been busily beavers since they made a big change in January of the design changes and new format and while I thought the blocky format is a big mistake as far as design, I'm slowly getting used to it and a slowly introducing new features to it that I think a pretty cool.

One of the newest features once again is the availability of being able to put in the graphics, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents or PDF files not only to your personal profile page but also the company page.

They have little a little paperclip icon at the very top of your company profile they can click onto and add any of these types of files.

What this makes is your company page more interactive rate and share more information and that's a good thing.

If you like more information LinkedIn please contact me.
Allan fine
403 – 246 – 7386

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Calgary Internet Marketing Event

2013 The Year Of Success!

Set Your Internet

And Social Media Goals!

So many people set their goals at the beginning of the year and then four days later they have forgotten their resolutions. This year make it a year of success with CBN. Make a choice to do it differently.

For your online marketing success Allan Fine and Kerry George have put together a wonderful opportunity for you to to finally figure out what you need to have done in your business. And now you can do it for only $20! That is right! Action Business Coaching has sponsored this event making it affordable for everyone!

We will start with a powerful assessment to determine where you are now and then work through to figure out where you want to be. A plan will be put into place and you will be moving toward your goal before you even leave.

Put your year in order!

What you will learn:

In the first hour we will have some great goal setting pages for everyone to work through. This will help each participant realize where they are and then they will be able to make goals for the year based on those results.

1. Assess where you are now. Bring out a list of all of the social media and website items. We will identify goals and problem areas to create a plan.

 A) Does your website content needs refreshing? 

B) Do you have a blog? Does it need content? Does it need consistency?

C) Facebook business page? Do you have one? Does it need fresh content? Consistency?

D) Twitter? Do you have a plan?

E) Does your LinkedIn profile needs updating? How you do that? Do you know how to use this to get more business?

F) Use an aggregator, which one?

G) Have an email system that uses color and pictures, use which one? 

H) Capture the data from visitors on website? Which system? 

G) Do they have access to your own website? Passwords? By using a questionnaire for this process you get all of them to really assess what they have and then setting goals for next steps will be easier. 

H) YouTube Do you have a channel? Have you made videos before? Did you make them or did you pay someone to make them? Do you have current content going up on your website?

2. Don’t get overwhelmed. We are here to make a plan. We can help as you go through the workshop but also put in a strategy for the year. Together we can do this.

3. Look at the bigger picture. Map out a plan for the entire year and think about where you want to be in 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years.

4. Strategize and dream. What CBN events are coming up that could help you? How can we build this into a year-long plan? Where do you want to take this? Do you have staff that can help? Who else could help?

5. Tactical plan. What are the next steps along the way?

6. Build rewards into the plan. Goal setting works better if you reward yourself.

7. Who are you going to be accountable to? Do you need ongoing help? 

$20 if you register in advance.

Paid CBN Annual Members email calgarybiznetwork@gmail.com to register please.

Marketing has changed in the last few years. Branding use to consist of getting flyers made, doing a mail drop, buying newspaper adds and being in the Yellow Pages. Today the world is a different place. In our throw away society flyers don't even make it home from the post office. The newspaper is seldom read and if it is delivered to the house it is lining the cat litter tray before it got opened, and Yellow Pages???

Only a year ago huge focus was on Facebook. Did you know that there has been a HUGE shift to get more business done on LinkedIn than anywhere else? Did you know that Google changes the rules continuously about what will get your website on page 1 and what will keep it there? Are you getting the best up-to-date information?

With this fantastically educational training seminar from The Executive Edge and The Calgary Business Network, you will have the opportunity to learn all about the changes that online programs and applications have brought to the corporate playing field, and how to best understand these tools and use them to your advantage. 

So book your seat, and find out how to get all of your goals met this year so you can have automation working "on" your business while you are busy working "in" it.


Space is limited so book early!

Register Now!


Get free image editing software and a $50 gift certificate from

The Executive-Edge!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Come to my Next Webinar for FREE!

Our last webinar was so successful. I was told I should immediately do it again.
This time I want you to come for free!

Just refer someone who will purchase it and you'll come in for free.

Eventbrite - Two-Day what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course

Please register after you have paid: Click here
What you will learn:

Once they buy it, send me their name and all send you a coupon that will get you in for free.

Training Webinar on Social Media and Internet Marketing from
Executive Edge ($429 Value)
Live-Training -Two-Day what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course ($429 Value) Webinar Jan 31st and Feb 1st 2013

what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course ($429 Value) Webinar Jan 10th and 11th 2013

Today's deal is all about learning what to do for Internet marketing in 2013. Is your business failing, do you wish you knew exactly what to do to fix it?

Is your Marketing consistent? Do you even have a website? Get a great marketing and business program and website that drive leads to you all the time.

The Executive Edge that is designed to kick the New Year's and start your recovery to more clients and better business. It all begins with this program that offers a "snapshot" of the current state of your online and offline marketing and goes on to identify some marketing initiatives that we know, through experience, will drastically increase revenues and more importantly, generate greater profits.

Google has changed all the rules in 2012. Find out what changes they made and how to adapt to them. Your new marketing message now becomes your new sales message. Make sure that your sales team is properly trained to implement the new message. Click that convincing BUY button to analyze your whole sales process and develop new sales strategies.

Eventbrite - Two-Day what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course

Please register after you have paid: Click here
What you will learn:

I've been training business owners and Entrepreneurs for about five years now, I'm amazed how many people, (A) Still is don't have website or (B) don't have website that converts.

As well as most owners of companies still don't have a grasp on social media and Internet marketing. The biggest challenges are:

1. I have no idea what to do.
2. I have no idea how to do it.

With that in mind my training programs give them a lot of information on these two key points. From the comfort of your office or your home. You can follow along live online.

Live-Training -Two-Day what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course ($429 Value) Webinar Jan 10th and 11th 2013 (MST)

I will be teaching:
the strategies that I used to save me time and money.

• Learn how to increase your business' awareness of all aspects of online marketing and social media in 2013
• 5-hour course that takes place or two days
What you will learn:

In the first hour we will have some great goal setting pages for everyone to work through. This will help each participant realize where they are and then they will be able to make goals for the year based on those results.

1. Assess where you are now. Bring out a list of all of the social media and website items. We will identify goals and problem areas to create a plan.

A) Does your website content needs refreshing?
B) Do you have a blog? Does it need content? Does it need consistency?
C) Facebook business page? Do you have one? Does it need fresh content? Consistency?
D) Twitter? Do you have a plan?
E) Does your LinkedIn profile needs updating? How you do that? Do you know how to use this to get more business?
F) Use an aggregator, which one?
G) Have an email system that uses color and pictures, use which one?
H) Capture the data from visitors on website? Which system?
I) Do they have access to your own website? Passwords? By using a questionnaire for this process you get all of them to really assess what they have and then setting goals for next steps will be easier.
J) YouTube Do you have a channel? Have you made videos before? Did you make them or did you pay someone to make them? Do you have current content going up on your website?
2. Don’t get overwhelmed. We are here to make a plan. We can help as you go through the workshop but also put in a strategy for the year. Together we can do this.
3. Look at the bigger picture. Map out a plan for the entire year and think about where you want to be in 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years.
4. Strategize and dream.How can we build this into a year-long plan? Where do you want to take this? Do you have staff that can help? Who else could help?
5. Tactical plan. What are the next steps along the way?
6. Build rewards into the plan. Goal setting works better if you reward yourself.
7. Who are you going to be accountable to? Do you need ongoing help?

I look forward to seeing you there!

Click here to manage your subscriptions

Monday, January 14, 2013

What you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course ($429 Value) Webinar Jan 31st and Feb 1st 2013

Our First one was so popular that we we're urged to do it again.

But First, here's Some great FREE info that will get you going in 2013!


Did you know that 50% of all website owners still have no control over their own website, which means they don't have the username and passwords to their website domain name or website hosting package. 

This is a terrible mistake that you must rectify right away, I'm involved right now with the website owner that because he doesn't have ownership of his own website domain name. He's got to pay a hosting company $1000 a year for hosting which would cost him only $35 year for exactly the same thing with another hosting company because they are  holding his website domain name hostage.

So what you need to do is:
Find out who your website hosting company is, and who your website domain name provider is and get the username and passwords for both of those and make sure that you are the person as far as the contact person on both those packages. If you need help I have done this dozens of times so far for companies, please contact me


Google has changed all the rules in 2012. Find out what changes they made and how to adapt to them. Your new marketing message now becomes your new sales message. Make sure that your sales team is properly trained to implement the new message. Click that convincing BUY button to analyze your whole sales process and develop new sales strategies. 

Eventbrite - Two-Day what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course

Please register after you have paid: Click here
What you will learn:

I've been training business owners and Entrepreneurs for about five years now, I'm amazed how many people, (A) Still is don't have website or (B) don't have website that converts.

As well as most owners of companies still don't have a grasp on social media and Internet marketing. The biggest challenges are:

1. I have no idea what to do.
2. I have no idea how to do it.

With that in mind my training programs give them a lot of information on these two key points. From the comfort of your office or your home. You can follow along live online.

Live-Training -Two-Day what you need to do for your Online Marketing and Social Media in 2013 Course ($429 Value) Webinar Jan 10th and 11th 2013 (MST)

I will be teaching:
the strategies that I used to save me time and money.

• Learn how to increase your business' awareness of all aspects of online marketing and social media in 2013
• 5-hour course that takes place or two days
What you will learn:

In the first hour we will have some great goal setting pages for everyone to work through. This will help each participant realize where they are and then they will be able to make goals for the year based on those results.

1. Assess where you are now. Bring out a list of all of the social media and website items. We will identify goals and problem areas to create a plan.

A) Does your website content needs refreshing? 

B) Do you have a blog? Does it need content? Does it need consistency?

C) Facebook business page? Do you have one? Does it need fresh content? Consistency?

D) Twitter? Do you have a plan?

E) Does your LinkedIn profile needs updating? How you do that? Do you know how to use this to get more business?

F) Use an aggregator, which one?

G) Have an email system that uses color and pictures, use which one? 

H) Capture the data from visitors on website? Which system? 

I) Do they have access to your own website? Passwords? By using a questionnaire for this process you get all of them to really assess what they have and then setting goals for next steps will be easier. 

J) YouTube Do you have a channel? Have you made videos before? Did you make them or did you pay someone to make them? Do you have current content going up on your website?

2. Don’t get overwhelmed. We are here to make a plan. We can help as you go through the workshop but also put in a strategy for the year. Together we can do this.

3. Look at the bigger picture. Map out a plan for the entire year and think about where you want to be in 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years.

4. Strategize and dream.How can we build this into a year-long plan? Where do you want to take this? Do you have staff that can help? Who else could help?

5. Tactical plan. What are the next steps along the way?

6. Build rewards into the plan. Goal setting works better if you reward yourself.

7. Who are you going to be accountable to? Do you need ongoing help? 

And much more.............

"David Young of Calgary attended our last workshop and said " This is a steal, I would have easily paid the $429 for this , Allan is crazy doing it this cheap!"

Who Should Attend

  • Marketing Executives

  • Business Consultants

  • Team Leaders

  • Managers

  • Business Owners

  • Department Heads

  • And yes, the CEO’s and COO’s who desire accountability and a huge ROI!


Friday, January 11, 2013

The Brand-new Linked - How to add, video, images and docs to your Profile

Here I am with my students again and I'm here showing them Linkedin.

As you may have heard Linkedin has changed its interface dramatically in the last month.


Now you can add media to every section including video's , images and word docs, that will let you really see what your clients need as far as your presentations, videos, documents and other media.

With that in mind, you can even add YouTube videos which are very powerful. PowerPoint presentations that will showcase all of your work.

You can also drag and reorder posts and your information on LinkedIn, which makes it very very easy to customize and to edit.
Allan Fine


Monday, January 7, 2013

Calgary Marketing Company-What to know about Google Tools!

Google Tools that you should know about!

As a Calgary marketing company I'm always looking for great new tools for my clients to use as a they say it's a Google universe and therefore you should know what Google tools you have out there to use that be a powerhouse for your Internet technologies.
These days, Google is a powerhouse for Internet technologies. If they’re not building brilliant search engines, they’re recreating email programs or reinventing the Social Media experience.

Today, I’m going to take you through some of the  Google Tools that you should:


  • Google Docs / Apps
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Chrome
  • Google Adwords
  • Google Alerts
  • Google Keyword Tool
  • Google Places


We’ll look at what they are, how they work, and the benefits they could have for your business.

1. Google Docs

Google Docs is often compared to Microsoft Office, and understandably so. It allows for the creation of word documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more. Many of the formatting options and functions are similar to Microsoft Office, albeit Google Docs does not have quite the same range of features or flexibility. Despite this it is so much more cost effective for a business to choose Google Docs over other word processors and often the benefits out way the cons.

What sets Google Docs apart from MS Office is the option for you to share documents with you coworkers. From a productivity point of view, this is a brilliant innovation. If two or more people within your company all need to make a change to the same document, Google Docs allows all the collaborators to open and edit the document at the same time, removing the need for multiple versions of the same document. It really does overcome the challenges with version control.

Because all documents saved in Google Docs are hosted in the cloud, it also enables your off-site staff to access the documents they need without having to remotely access your server. Documents can be exported as Microsoft Office and Open Office compatible files, among other file types, and these document types can also be uploaded to Google Docs.

Get started with Google Docs today, or check out their catchy little presentation that will offer some compelling numbers in favour of Google Docs. Even if you don’t think it suits you right now, check it out anyway as it may be a very viable option for the future as your business changes and grows.

2. Google Analytics

How well is your website doing? You don’t know? Well, it’s time to sign up for Google Analytics then.

Google Analytics is a must-have for any website owner. It gives you valuable analytics on your website traffic, how you are being found online, which pages on your website are gaining the most popularity and it will even measure any goals you have for your website such as people signing up to your newsletter database or requesting an information pack. All this information can be used by you to work out how to make your website get better results for your business.

For our website clients, we can’t stress enough the importance of having Google Analytics for your business. Go to www.google.com/analytics today to sign up. Then simply go to your settings area of your website and add in your ‘UA’ code you get from Google Analytics. 

3. Google Chrome

Are you a frustrated as I am with Internet Explorer?
I have to say that I like Firefox and Google Chrome.
You’ll always have die-hard fans of each browser as well as the crew that don’t really care so long as they have an Internet connection. .But for me, time is money and therefore I need something fast, reliable that will show a website like it was meant to be seen, and unfortunately Internet Explorer just is not that

Google Chrome supports industry standard for the Internet, which is not the case for all browsers. As a result, people using Chrome will have fewer errors when visiting webpages that have been built to industry standards and the connection will seem a lot faster. Chrome also updates itself regularly which means your browser will not become outdated. In fact, Chrome is actually taking over the dropping popularity of the often buggy Internet Explorer.

4. Google Alerts

Are you aware of what people are saying about your business or your brand on the Internet? Are you all over what your competitors are doing? Are you abreast of the changes in your industry? If not, Google Alerts will be a great tool for you.

Essentially, the tool works by having you tell it what search terms you’re interested in. For example, you may be a property developer in Calgary who wants to keep up to date with the local industry. You tell Google Alerts to send you new information regarding “Commercial Property Development Calgary” and at the schedule you set, Google Alerts will send you an email with links to all the new Internet content relevant to those search terms.

At the very least, we strongly suggest that you set up a Google Alert for your company name which will include all your brands and key personnel to monitor mentions about you on the Internet.

Start using Google Alerts today.

5. Google Keyword Tool

Want to try your hand at doing your own Search Engine Optimization? Or, you may just want to know the words your target market are searching on when looking for your business, services or products. If either of these are the case, the Google Keyword Tool is your first port-of-call as it takes the guess work out of knowing what words people are actually searching with.


To use the Google Keyword Tool, start by thinking about a keyword relevant to your business. If you’re a pipe supplier, you may choose “pipes” first. Type this keyword into the tool and a list of related search terms will be generated for you. In the “pipes” case, some notable results were “underground pipe”, “piping” and “hose pipe”.

Not all the keywords generated will be relevant to your industry. Of those that are, take note of their competition and Local Monthly Searches within Canada. The ideal keywords are those with a high Local  Monthly Search and low Competition. These keywords should be used regularly within your website content to improve your Google Search Ranking. To use the Google Keyword Tool go to https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal.

(On that note, another great tool. I love to use is called market samurai, get it here )

6. Google Places

Google Places is one of the most valuable online tools you can use, particularly if your business services a local area. It’s free and the easiest way to get your website listed on the first page of Google.


Google Places works by reading the IP address of the person performing a Google search, and produces results based on the companies closest to them. For example, if someone searched for “signwriters”, Google Places will produce a map of the nearest businesses listed as being signwriters- but only if they’ve registered themselves in Google Places. A lot of the time your potential customers will be searching for your service AND your location, so it is vital that you have yourself listing in Google Places.

You are restricted to one listing per business address, so ensure this listing is optimised for all the primary keywords you want to appear for. Getting clients to make positive comments on your business listing is an excellent way of helping your results appear higher in these results.

Start using Google Places today.

Google Chrome is available as a free download for Windows, Mac and Linux.

7. Google AdWords

Google Adwords is a form of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and enables businesses to appear at the top of a Google search for that business’ keywords.

Have a look at the diagram to the right. When you do a search within Google, you’ll probably notice that two types of results will appear. At the top of the search results, and down the right hand side, you’ll see a list of results related to your search terms. These results are called “sponsored links” and are powered by Google AdWords. The rest of the results you see are the Google organic results and are powered by the websites’ own search engine optimisation program.

With Google Adwords, you only pay when somebody clicks on the ad and you can set your maximum daily spend to ensure you remain within budget. You can also test and measure different keyword strategies and different bidding prices for those keywords to find the formula that works best for you.


The benefit of Google Adwords is that you are targeting an audience that is already searching for your keywords and is, therefore, interested in your product and services. If you are not yet appearing high in the organic (free listing) results for those keywords, it may be a worthwhile investment as you wait for your Search Engine Optimization to start working. However, the disadvantage of AdWords is that only 20% of all people searching will click on a paid listing as they know that the result has not appeared organically.

Our advice for using AdWords is to make sure that the ad is directing people to a specific page on your website, not just your homepage. For example, you may attract people in your AdWord campaign by offering a discount on a particular product. If that’s the case, link your AdWord campaign to a page profiling that product, or your specials page, because this is obviously the information people are interested in. Don’t forget that 9/10 people will visit your website and not act, so include a sign up for for your newsletter on the page, or a downloadable “specs sheet” (or something that they will find of value, to give up their first name and email address for), which people can download after giving you their first name and email address.

So there you have it, once again if you want the full list and all the information please contact me I be happy to help you ,have a great day.

Allan Fine
Calgary Marketing Company -The Executive Edge