Thursday, September 8, 2011

Social Media Marketing-Don't Die Trying!!

The Broadening Reach of Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is more than just setting up a Facebook fan page and monitoring brand
sentiment. as the social media gold rush continues to unfold, marketers are becoming increasingly
sophisticated in their use of social networking sites, syndicated videos and blogs to engage
customers and prospects.

• Social networking sites. Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, and other sites are attractive because ads
can be demographically targeted based on gender, age, and interests as reflected by the
socializer’s list of fan pages. Marketers also seek to engage customers with corporate fan pages
and branded applications, and strike up a dialogue with consumers via Twitter.

• Syndicated videos. Videos are increasingly accepted as a means of reaching a larger, targeted
audience with interactive and engaging content. Videos may be hosted on YouTube or other providers
and syndicated across networks, or be featured on a company-owned web property.

• Blogs. By consistently delivering high quality content, successful blogs enjoy a large and
segmented readership and offer marketers a good opportunity to demonstrate thought leadership,
promote their brands and products and, most importantly, to engage in meaningful dialog with
clients and prospects.

• User review sites. From computing to automo- biles, from leading retailers to niche communities,
the social landscape is full of sites at which users swap opinions and recommendations. Marketers
are taking advantage with display ads and expert
commentary and technical guidance.

• Does social media marketing pay off in conversions and revenue?
• Which campaigns and channels perform best and which perform worst?
• is social media cannibalizing other online marketing initiatives?
•  how can we measure rOi of a social media display ad, if the user doesn’t click it?
• Which segments of our blog followers are most likely to buy our products?

The Complex Relationships Between Social Media
Marketing and Your Main Website

Often, marketers view social media as yet another online channel (albeit new and exciting), similar
to other channels such as natural and paid search, email, and affiliates. it is becoming clearer,
however, that not all social media initiatives drive prospects and customers to the business’ main
website in the same way. Social- izers—individuals who seek meaningful interactions with peers and
like-minded people—interact differ- ently with different social media offerings and services. To
better understand this phenomenon, let’s look at Twitter and Facebook from the perspective of
visitor acquisition (and reacquisition).

When it comes to pulling individuals to the website, Twitter behaves similarly to search
Twitter users proactively select the topics, people, and companies they wish to follow. When they
receive updates that are relevant and interesting to them, and
if those updates contain links, those users are likely
to interrupt their engagement with Twitter, click on the link, and visit the destination website.

Calgary Social Media Marketing Company.
Your company and you have heard about Social media Marketing , Facebook, Twitter , You Tube. It all sounds very exciting , but very confusing too!
We have the answers and can quickly educate you on what you need (and more importantly) what you don't need to do.

Contact us to get a handle on your Social media Marketing program.

Allan Fine
Marketing and Franchising consultant,

Marketing Systems

 Phone: 403-246-7386
403-217-8432 Fax
Mountain Standard Time|
The Executive Edge
Internet Marketing / Website Development
SEO + SMM and Consulting services.

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